Marine Phytoplankton - New Japanese Health and Business Opportunity
Hi. I'm Rick and I have found this topic a fascinating look into a new
(really very old) source of whole food nutrition.
Marine Phytoplankton provides a rare, complete food that provides the
human body virtually all the raw materials it needs in one single
source to produce healthy new cells and neuro-chemicals for the brain
such as dopamine and serotonin.
Because it works at the deepest level of the cell, it seems to work for
a wide variety of diseases and imbalances including chronic illnesses.
Phytonutrients in Marine Phytoplankton may exhibit potentially
promising effects in human physiology:
General Nutrition - Contains ultra-potent lipids to enhance brain
Cardiovascular Health - Supports a healthy heart
Cholesterol - Clinically tested to reduce cholesterol
Blood Sugars - Stabilizes blood sugar levels
Neurological Support - Mental alertness, ADHD, Parkinson's, and
general dementia
Joint Health - Relieves pain and inflammation
Skin Care - Psoriasis & Dermatitis
Vision - More effective than Lutein
Liver Health - Supports a healthy liver
Sleep - Supports good sleeping habits
Energy - Increases energy
We offer new ideas, research and products to people who view
preventative nutrition as a key to health. Video and info:
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