Smith ha scritto:

> I studied Japanese at a language school in Tokyo recently, and it is
> clear to me that English is the number one most superior language in the
> world.
> The students at the school came from many different countries, and there
> were only a few native English speakers.
> All others bow down to it, and there is little point in learning any
> other language except as an obscure hobby.
> And yet, the language that the class was best at speaking was English.
> Everyone could speak it. Even though Japanese should have been the
> language we had in common, if the class had wanted to have a complex
> discussion, English would have been the best language to do it in.
> We must be more arrogant in our dismissal of other languages as
> primitive dialects. Other people will learn OUR language because it is
> superior in status. We don't need to learn theirs.
> Think about it... white people flock to Japan and Korea to teach in the
> massive English teaching industry there. How many Japs and Koreans come
> to the US/UK/Aust etc to teach their language. Nowhere near as many.

Basic English is an easy language and before the British and after the
helped to diffuse the language.

But not is the god of all language because English was born from Latin
and old Nordics languages.

Latin is the god of all [western] language.

I'm Italian and I like english because is simple and every where I
found english words.

Japanese is beautiful because is so different from western languages,
Chinese is more important for the future.