Re: Lotsa gaigins wrote:
> Declan Murphy <> dixit:
> >.......... but it still funny how
> >a country that recently has begun talking about encouraging young,
> >skilled foreign workers to alleviate some labour shortages in
> >particular fields, and offset the koureika, would have an Immigration
> >Bureau that issues 25000 visas for foreign students, and just under
> >100,000 entertainer visas for the sex industry.
> Seems someone has their priorities straight. 8-))}
Dirty ol' man Jim.
> Bureaucracies are funny things. Australia ditched its old White
> Australia Policy ca 1965, but when Al Grassby became Immigration
> Minister in 1973 he found some Embassies were still knocking
> back applicants on skin colour. Turned out that no formal advice had
> been sent out about the change. Some staff knew it had changed but
> others just followed the old instructions.
I was reading John Menadue's autobiography a few years back (my mother
sends me copies of the autobiographies of just about anyone who
converts to Catholicism) and recall him mentioning how he was still
uncovering fossilised procedures & policy when he was running
Immigration & Ethnic Affairs during the Fraser years. Wonder when (or
even if?) it actually ended.
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