Paul Blay wrote:
> "John W." <> wrote ...
> >>
> > The oddest thing I've done to learn Japanese was to observe
> > advertising.
> Oddest thing I've ever done to learn Japanese was to visit 2ch.
> ... and I'm still there. ^ ^v
> > The ads on trains really helped with my kanji. I'd see an
> > ad, write down the kanji I didn' tknow (usually a lot, particulary at
> > first), then go home and study them. The next day I'd see the same ad
> > and I'd try to read it, and then I'd study the kanji I still didn't
> > know, and so on. I did the same thing with TV ads for listening;
> > usually the same ad will be on during the same shows for a few weeks at
> > a time.
> So did you find yourself buying more useless crap than you normally
> would?

No, but I did do on to do my masters thesis on Japanese advertising
(lot of good that's done me).

John W.