Louise Bremner wrote:
> Rind <> wrote:
> > I was visiting in Tokyo last week and we went to a beautiful restaurant
> > in Shibuya called Legato. Legato is famed for its bilingual staff
> > (Japanese/English) and the amount of foreign customers it attracts. Its
> > a very classy joint and reasonably priced for what you get. Anyway, the
> > mens toilets are signified with a green light outside them in the
> > corridor and the womens have a red light. Before we were seated for our
> > meal we all had our ffp (first fatal pi$$) after many booze. At that
> > stage the womens were on the right of the corridor and the mens were on
> > the left. During the meal my friend went ... same situation .... after
> > the main course my fiance went and came back quite perturbed ... the
> > mens was now on the right side and the womens on the left. Of course we
> > assumed that he was drunk and another friend went to check it out ...
> > low and behold it wasn't the booze ... the lights had actually being
> > changed!!! The mens were now the womens toilet and vice versa!!
> That should make the later fatal pees more interesting, especially if
> you're in a hurry and/or red-green colorblind....
> I hope they wait until both facilities are empty before switching?
I'm not sure whether they do wait or not. My fiance said when he went a
man came out of the left side, even though the light was red - maybe
they'd been changed while he was in there! ... My fiance being Japanese
was completely flustered and followed the "safe" option and went into
the green room - after scoping it to make sure no-one else was there.
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