Bad Dog Blues - February Update
Bad Dog Blues - February Update
Roosevelt Dean, Mac Arnold, John Long, Bishop Joe Simon, Marvin Sease,
Floyd Taylor, the book 'Talkin' to Myself; Blues Lyrics, 1921-1942 by
Michael Taft and the 2006 Classic Blues Artwork Calendar Vol. 3.
Special Features:
A look at our favorite blues radio features of 2005.
Essential Features:
A look at at great blues singer Esther Phillips with audio feature.
This Month's Features:
Tune in Feb. 5th @ 1:00 PM as Joe Beard & the original Blues Union play
live in the studio. Joe Beard reunites with his old band for the first
time in almost ten years for this rare live appearance.
Tune in Feb. 12th @ 1:00 PM as we talk with noted blues record
collector John Tefteller. Tefteller has discovered many rare blues 78's
and memorabilia. We'll also be playing many classic and rare country
blues records. For more details visit his website at:
Tune in Feb. 19th @ 1:00 PM as we talk with legendary west coast
pianist Floyd Dixon. Dixon cut classic sides for Modern, Aladdin,
Specialty in the 40's and 50's and has recently released the excellent
comeback record "Fine! Fine! Thing!" on the Highjohn label.
We have loads of archived blues shows available for listening. Shows
are posted the same day as the broadcast. In recent shows we've
featured live in studio performances by Beale Street Blues Band, Joe
Likley, interviews with Charles (Big Daddy) Stallings, Chick Willis,
Duke Robillard plus recent features on Earl Hooker, Mississippi Fred
McDowell, Esther Phillips, Big Mama Thornton and Pee Wee Crayton.
Advertising space is now available on Bad Dog Blues. We're currently
receiving well over 7,000 hits per month to the main page, with
visitors from around the world. All ads include a link to your web
site. Check our rate card at
Remember Bad Dog Blues airs live and on the web every Sunday 10:00 AM
to 3:00 PM (EST) from WITR Radio 89.7, Rochester, NY. Bad Dog Blues now
has a podcast feed! With a podcast client and a "subscription" to the
show, you can automatically download the show every week and you'll
always have the latest Bad Dog Blues show on your computer. For more
details visit
Thanks for checking us out and make sure to tell your friends.
Jeff Harris
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