Japanese Analysts Discuss Nintendo Revolution
by Shawn White (01/28/06)

Speaking to Japanese Publication Famitsu, industry analysts from the
western side of the Pacific recently made a number of predictions
regarding the next generation of game consoles.

Daiwa Institute of Research Senior Analyst Eiji Maeda first discussed
the price points of the two unreleased next-generation machines--the
Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution--predicting that Sony's next
console would be priced in the 40,000 yen ($343) range at the lowest,
with Nintendo's Revolution console priced around 30,000 yen ($257) at
its highest.

Continuing with Revolution discussion, IT Journalist Hiroshige Gotoh
touched on why he thought the Revolution might succeed in the
next-generation console war. He explained that the system could still
match up to its higher-spec competitors thanks to its innovation and
unique controller, analogous to how the DS has been outselling the PSP.

In regards to Revolution's launch date, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata
already announced that the console needs to be released in America by
Thanksgiving to take advantage of the holiday shopping season, but
Maeda predicted that the machine could launch in Japan as early as June
of this year. He also mentioned that the Revolution would still have a
larger game line-up than the PlayStation 3, even if released that soon.
