Gurkian Way Rules Pt. 1 - The Religion Of The Hole Ephemeral Body of
John Francis Ayres, The Creator

The First Set Of Rules (Incomplete) - An Intro To My Religon and
Thoughts In General

Continued from Rule no. 18  (See previous posting.)

Rule No. 19 No Rifle Butting allowed

What is rifle butting? It is taking your field armament and using it to
fuck with other people, such as dicking, or fraternizing, or shoving it
up the ass of another person.

Dicking: using it to fuck with.
Fraternizing: using it to fuck other's with.

All such actions are cause for expulsion.

Rule No. 20 No Bunny Fuckinng

What is bunny fucking? It's finding a wild or semi-wild animal with a
hole in it for fucking and using it for your sexual enjoyment. Such
animals as cows, cattle, lamas, sheep, mules, deer, antelope, some
strains of wild turkey, camels, and primates, and or other similar
animals, can be used to fuck and get your jollies with. All such
actions are cause for dismissal.

No Rabbit Mule Deer Ear Picking (Also called Rabbit, mule, ear deer
picking, or gumboing)

What is rabbit, mule, deer ear picking? It is the prolonged engagement
of one's dick or vagina in the mouth or the hind quaters of an animal,
cat, beaver, muskrat, or other fury animal that may stimulate one's
sexual enjoyment.

Any and all such encounters, when detected and confirmed, are cause for

Rule No. 21 No Rifle Bukeing Allowed

The use of the rifle or field armament to engage anther sexually or
lewdly when the other is off duty and minding his or her own business.
All such abuses will be cause for dismissal.

Rule No. 22 No Sculleywagging

What is sculleywagging? Sculleywagging is taking another person by the
crotch and with the help of your friends, lifting him or her off the
ground and then throwing him or her into a pit, or into a vehicle, for
either raping or playful to moderately severe torturing, such as
punching in the person's gut so hard that the person ends up with a
broken rib, or smashing the person in the face with onn'e fist or the
butt of a field armament so hard that the person ends up with a broken
jaw or a head concussion, to acts such as bayonetting the person
between the legs in the crotch and gilleting that person's testicles,
i.e., cutting them off, or in the case of a female, permanently
puncturing the woman's womb or arteries, and causing her to bleed to
death. Such violent acts against others will not be tolerated. Nor will
any less serious acts of violence against others be tolerated at all,
either. Lifting someone up by the seat of the pants for the same
purposes is forbidden, as well, and all such cases, once detected will
call for immediate expulsion.

Rule No. 23 No Rifle Bulletting

What is rifle bulletting? It is the aiming of a pistol or a rifle or
other firearm or field weapon at the naval of a person and discharging
the rifle or armament in such a way as to permanently puncture the
person in the naval and cause the person to either die or become
permanently or near permanently disfigured or disabled. Any and all
such acts aime at disfiguring are disableing, or killing others will
not be tolerated and upon detection, not only will the person be
discharged, but the person will be held in custody for further
penalties, such as life in prison, i.e., 355,000 years in maximum
security and in solitary confinement, the isolationing from other
prisoners for the duration of one's stay in prison.

Rule No. 24 No Buffallowing allowed

What is buffallowing? Buffallowing is when you take a person and grap
him or her by all four limbs and sometimes the head as well and flip
that person up in the air and then letting that person fall to the
ground to either break that person's back or some part of his or her
skeleture, or permanently disfigure or maim the individual with the
blunt force violent trauma that the person experiences as a result of
his or her experience. Buffallowing often occurs when peace between
field combatants, stationed in the field headquarters or in an outlying
combat area, starts to diminish and at first, two people, then more
people decide they don't like someone, and they begin to isolate, and
harass the individual until such and offense is committed. Buffalowing
will not be allowed, nor will any of the other agressionary treatements
that begin out of one or more person's dislkie for another. All
parties, exculding the one agressed upon, will be reprimanded to the
nearest stockade for detainment and will suffer a severe court
martialling and prison internment of less than the max, but langer than
one might like to stay, otherwise. 3 to 4 years, at a minimum. Abuse by
others dirrected at an individuial or at individuals will not be
tolerated and all violators will be reprimand and remanded to the
stockade, and to the military justice tribunal, our defense and
punishment court system, which we will establish, when I've got all of
my memories back and am williing and able to go out and lead all of the

Formerly, Jon Jon Howard Smith, my name in a previous life time and the
name by which many of you will one day remember me and will remember
that you did not like me one bit at all as I was extremely tough on the
new personelle and the veteran soldiers and soldieresses alike.

"Rules" will be continued.

Sorry for the typos.

John Francis Ayres
  The G O D Guy
   And Company

High Holy King, Dai Matreya, Kuvera, Dai Swili,
Lord Buddha Shakamuni Eternal Buddha, Kuon Ganjo
Nyorai, Gurkian Mandala Body Guy, The G O D Guy,
The Lord Of Creation, Nagarjuna

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry

John Francis Ayres
5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103

Tel: (702) 894-9518

john_ayrs @
jonjon @


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Formerly of Falls Church, McLean, Arlington Va.,
Lanham, Md., Honolulu, Hi., Rialto, Ca., Tokyo, Nagoya,
Osaka, Gojyo, Nara Pref., Kyoto, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Jordan - the middle kingdom, Seoul Korea, and a few
other places, here and there.