Gurkian Way Rules Pt. 1 - The Religion Of The Hole Ephemeral Body of John Francis Ayres, The Creator
Gurkian Way Rules Pt. 1 - The Religion Of The Hole Ephemeral Body of
John Francis Ayres, The Creator
The First Set Of Rules (Incomplete) - An Intro To My Religon and
Thoughts In General
Continued from Rule no. 5 (See previous posting.)
Rule No. 6 Inertia is forbidden.
What is inertia?
Inertia is sitting around doing nothing special, idleing away one's
tie, smoking weed, or hanging out at the swimming pool, or lounging all
day onboard the cruise ship as you've sailed around the world for the
seventh time this month. Getting stoned or drunk at parties and telling
stupid and limpid jokes (limpid is ordinary crap that you hear again
and again at party after party), singing songs that you hear, party
after party, listening to the same music and dancing to it party after
party, going to the same trashy opera house for a wee bit of a thrill,
for some. Going to the national zoo or the park or the smithsonian, for
the umpteenth time. Sitting in front of the boob tube for endless hours
after hours watching soap operas or strip tease porn artists or john
wayne reruns, or Oprah Winfrey talk shows about losing weight, or
whatever, watching trash t.v., i.e., Oprah, or the nanny, that new
yorker (I think she was born in Broklyn and moved across to Jersey,
then moved to california, and lost her accent, and so forth and so on)
who tried to play a part as a nanny for a bachelor, or something like
Watching boxing matches on t.v. or those crazy car rallies where they
crush automobiles with these super stooped (biffed up, slotten, or cool
looking) up trucks that they pound into the grouud and go sailing over
as many as they can before they land on top of some of them and end up
crushing all the tops, trunks, hoods, fenders, and so forth. Brain
numbing t.v.. Irreproachable t.v., i.e., you should be put in jail for
watching it, more or less. TV that does not stimulate the brain into
thinking about reality and the tragedies and suffering or the hopes or
dreams that inspire us to strive harder or encourage us to seek a
higher plane of activity and thought.
We all enjoy watching, from time to time, senseless movies, at least
some people do, and even I have caught myself watching shitty movies.
As much as possible, that kid of behavior will be taken to a low
tolerance level, i.e., reduced as much as possible, in so far as the
person or persons do not experience or suffer a nervous or mental
breakdown, or emotional or physical nervous system shock tolerance
syndrome, i.e., withdrawl symptoms and the breakdown of that persons
functioning capacity or lust for life, i.e., a strong desire to live to
the fullest. If a person appears to be about to suffer from a nervous
breakdown, because he or she is not allowed to watch trashy t.v., then
he or she will be excused from the assembly (of priestesses and
priests, as we eventually will all be living in a congregational style
living environment where the priestesses live alongside the priests but
in separate quarters, except for training purposes, where we will all
be in the same large, basketball court or two size living room /
bedroom on our workstations (beds) in a communal environment. This is
15 or 20 or 30 or perhaps 40 or more years down the road) living
quarters to go to an out building for a week or two to rejuvenate their
mind and get a fix or a modifying dose of trashy t.v. until they snap
out of it. When their withdrawl symptoms go away, and the threat of a
nervous breakdown abates that person or persons will be required to
return to the group.
This will be the case once I have my rectory convent and an out
building for the person or persons to go to for watching trashy t.v.
In any case, inertia, or the desire to spend hours and hours doing
nothing but trivial pursuits is for the most part forbidden, and only
under certain unavoidable circumstances, will it be allowed.
Rule No. 7
Illicit Sex is Forbidden. Grateful Sex is Allowed
Any sex that is carried out for self indulgent reasons for the sake of
oneself and at the expense of the other person or persons, whethe it
comes about by flirting or othr more intense approaches, is cause for
dismissal, immediately upon detection.
Sex is sacred, as we often hear, but in my religion, we are going to
take that to the extreme and sex and even foundling will only be
allowed in the course of a religious ceremony conducted by me, for the
reasons explained before, to conduce the sexual energies into my
religious ceremonies to make them even more pwerful.
All other sexual or body contact for the sake of illicit sex is
forbidden. By body contact, I mean contact with an other person's
dermal tissues for the sake of stimulating a sexual or erotic arousal.
Holding hands is not considered body contact for the sake of arousing
sexual or erotic sensations that lead to illicit sex. Kissing a person
on the cheek or lips as a way of expressing love and passion and
feelings of love for anothr is not body contact if it is not intended
as a prenuptial invitation to sleep together. Prenuptial here means
sarcastically speaking, an invitation to another before wedding the
other person. Of course, in my religion, no women or men will be
getting married in a civil court of law, as I do not recognize civil or
common or gay or any other types of marriage except for those that I
Sucking a guys dick in the out building while watching trashy t.v. for
a shot or two of the juices and liquids that help maintain a woman's
feminine potency is not illicit sex. It is a health giving requirement
for all women to drink male seminal and spermal liquids on a daily or
weekly or monthly, or whatever, basis. The woman needs to drink as much
as she can daily and up to five or even six pints a day, if she can
manage it. It won't hurt her health and it will make her extreemly
potent as a female ejaculattor, or a woman capable of a strong,
healthy, and vigourous lifestyle with lots of vim and vigor for
ejaculating the female love juices into the mouth or hands of a male,
or onto his scrrotum, where he has little chemical factories tht will
absorb and process htosee chemcials much like the female has no nearly
her entire body. Nearly all of her dermal layers inside and out, the
esophagus, the gut, intesines, up and down, inside and out, everywhere
except for perhaps the soles of hef feet, but even there, there are a
few, though not as many as found on other parts of her body's dermal
tissues. She has these chemical factories to absorb the spermazola and
juices he ejects onto or into her body, from any angle, and they slowly
absorb and process these chemicals so long as they remain on her skin
surfaces, or even in her scalp, in contact with dermal layers there.
They are absorbed into her body for her feminine health, just as the
male's rock sack absorbs her chemicals in her juices, primarily from
her ejaculate, but also from her saliva, in her vagina. She does have
some chemicals that he can also absorb from her spittle, from her
mouth, but the most potent and toxic (powerful) and the juices which
will do the most for him are her ejaculate juices. With them he will
become more verile and healthy, and will feel a greater sense of
purpose in life. His sperm ejaculate juices' potency will climb to 8 to
10 to 15 or even 20 or more times and when she imbibes that, her juices
potency will climb to 50 to 80 80 to 300 to 900 or more times what it
is at the baseline, without his juices in her. It can reach as high as
15,000 times the potency when she imbibes his enriched ejaculate, and
when he then imbibes her enriched ejaculate, his potency will climb by
a few million times. Then as she imbibes his highly potent juices,
well, you get the picture, I think.
And it will get better and better until it reaches its' peak, at which
point, we will have two extremely healthy human beings.
You'll get the full story after I get the stenographers, plus a lot
more information on stews and living eternally, and the hazards and
pitfalls, and what to do about them, and where can I get a fix, or who
is going to provide it to the public for pennies a day... well all that
is already planned out in my brain, so if you would please, give it
some consideration, my getting my stenographers, that is.
Well, I think I'll skip a bunch of that which I had written, and get on
to the main theme here.
So a drunken and crazed priest to be ( he is going through t.v.
withdrawl symptoms, too) and priestess to be are sentenced to the
outbuilding to watch trash t.v. for two weeks or so. Well, their
friends can drop in, so long as they are priestesses or priests or
assembly members, and they can sit around and watch t.v. and exchange
fluids with each other, calmly, and with trust and sharing in mind, not
spill a drop of those precious fluids. This will obviously enhance
their mental and psychological stamina, and their physical health. In
such circumstances, the exchange is not for one or the other at the
expense of the other, but it is for all of those who are there, and as
such it is not illicit sex.
Rule no. 1 said no private sex. Well it's not private if everybody is
invited to imbibe each other's liquids. Private sex is sex that is
exclusionary and prevents others from benefitting from the exchange of
the health giving fluids, along with any mental and emotional comfort
and relief it could bring the participants.
The increased feelings of higher self worth during or after an exchange
of fluids, is an emotional and mental blessing and a cause for
All such exchanges that foster in all participants concerned, not
excluding even one, and that's very important, are considered as
Grateful Sex, or sex that benefits or is for the sake of others.
Grateful sex is always allowed no matter when or where in the convent
Illicit or private, exclusionary or sex for the sake of one self,
primarily, is considered as an illicit act and will get oneself canned
or penalized.
The penalty for a priest to be or priestess to be or for handmaiden
priestess to be or for a slave servant priest n training to be, is
punishable in a vaiety of ways, from outright ostracising him or her,
or kicking out of the order or discipline (religious order) the
offenders, to confinement to one's bedroom and isolation from others,
to lockup in a jail like cell or a tie up, confinement to one's bed, in
the case of a male priest, he will have his hands, legs and feet tied
to his bed legs, and he will be strapped down at the waiste for 2, 3,
4, or more weeks on end and he will be butt naked and fair game to be
used and to some extent, to be abused, but in a way that will not harm
him permanently, by the mocking of his character, or the pointing out
and laughing at his character flaws or other idiosychracies he may have
that the women can use to humiliate him. Of course, the same applies to
a female, but more on that at a later time.
The male will be strapped down to his bed and fed a formula that will
boost his sperm and seminal liquids production by as much as 3,000 fold
in 2 or 3 days, 5,000 fold in ten days, or to 10,000 fold in 20 or 30
days. A max of 80,000 or 90,000 fold can be reached in about 88 or 89
or 90 or 91 days. Depending on his health, it could take up to a
maximum of 144 days if his health is not that good. Nevertheless, I
have the formula already for that, and it is a secret formula no one
will ever get, outside of my religious organization. And even if they
get what I've written down about it, they havn't got the whole story
and all of the ingredients neccessary for it. I've left out about 15 or
16 additonal notes on it, and I will not be putting it down on paper
until I'm in a secure environment. In any case the priest strapped down
will be pumping out with this formula, 3 or 4 pints to 8, 9, 0r 10
pints a day and all of the priestesses are welcome to imbibe all they
like. He will not be able to stop his ejaculations so long as the women
are there to tickle his dick. Once that happens, it sets the chain of
events into motion and he will be putting out juices for the next seven
or eight hours straight every 5 or 10 minutes. And so long as he takes
a 3 or 4 or 5 minute break between ejaculations, and so long as they
keep tickling his dick, then he is fair game as a spermazola provider
boy for the day, or week or mohth, as well as for the many other gags
the women will play on him.
I have other formulas that are more potent and more useful that are in
my brain and that I will be remembering in two or three or four or five
years from now. I should have enough of my memories back in five years
to bring out most of my stew formulas that are important, initially,
and after that, it's just a matter of time before I have back all of my
memories on stews and other things. Some things wil take longer to come
back, but my stews and medical knowledge will be among the first things
to come back, in addition to my psychiatric knowledge, and a few other
things here and there.
In any case, I have some very interesting stews that I don't think I
will elaborate on right now, though I have the notes on them in front
of me because I have a few other more important things to say before I
end today's notes.
In the future, we will be using similar formulas for our off campus
projects, namely, we will organize and train women and men in special
techniques of theapy massage for the relief of sexual tensions, using
the system I've developed. The world, as I said, will lose many men,
and to aid the female, we will up the production capabilities in males
of spermazola and form clubs or organizations to aid the female to
relieve her sexual tensions and frustrations. These clubs will be a
whole lot of fun as you women and men will learn all of these
techniques from my qualified for life teacher trainer priestesses and
priests, after I teach them the initial system. I have 10 or 11 initial
systems, and we will spend a 3, 4, 5, or 6 centuries learning and
invstigating them before we go on to more and more interesting things
to do in our off campus clubhouses. After my initial sytems, we will
get more and more into deeper and deeper methods for relieving the
stressful situation of the female's body and her needs to relieve her
sexul and psycho-emotional turmoil and stress and with the next level
of systems we will study, you will have about 7 or 8 centuries to
investigate them, before we go on to a still slighhtly higher level. I
have all in all, fifty or sixty initial systems for psycho sexual
stress management, and after that, I have additional systems to keep
you busy learning about ways to relieve the stresses of female psycho
sexual tensions as well as other useful systems for enlivening the
females life, as well as the males life, and we will be studying those
as well, with my gifted and talented, by then, qualified and well
disciplined massage therapy and emotional counselors, who willl be
prequalified and pass rigourous exams held by my religious
organization. They will teach you everything you'll need to know to
endure and live on eternally along with the rest of humanity, those who
are coming along, for the rest of eternity. The program is long and
involved and you should expect to be studying in it for 700,000 or
800,000 years, roughly as I estimate it now.
I had a lot of funny and informative notes, but anyway, to get to the
end real quick, well, when I get my stenographers you will get an
Rule No. 8 No Spanking
Spanking is licking a woman's clitoris. (Will elaborate later).
Rule No. 9 No Dicking Is Allowed
What is dicking? Dicking is fucking a man in the ass.
(Will elaborate later.)
Rule No. 10 No Horse Licking
What is horse licking?
Fucking animals. (Will elaborate later)
Rule No. 11 No Cow Licking
What is cow licking? It is fucking or sucking the dick of chimps,
gorillias, orangutangs, or other primates or animals with dicks to
imbibe the spermazola of animals.
Will elaborate later.
Rule No. 12 No Funkelberries
What is a funkleberrie? It is using the sperm of another animal or
species to create concoctions that will lead to erogenous tissue build
up in the body.
Rule No. 13 No Horseshit
What is horseshit? Horseshit is the contrivances of making one look
better at the expense of another.
Rule No. 14 No Rabit tales
What is rabbit tales? They are the contrived lies and bold statements
that make one or another believe that you are somthing other than you
Rule No. 15 No Rabbit Fucking
What is rabit fucking? It is the biting off of the genitalia of small
pets or animals to enliven your day with a mild aphrodisiacal high.
Rule No. 16 No Cow Ear Chewing
What is cow ear chewing? It is the breaking off of and the utilizing of
any part of an animal that will give you any thing pleasurable, such as
the antler of a deer, if broken off, will be useful as an erotic
instrument of play for fucking your female roomate with. Or the
breaking off of a cow's dick, freezing it, then letting it dry out, and
then using it as a dildoe. There are many animal parts that women, and
some men, like to use to make their sex lives more entertaining. A more
complete list will be furnished at a later time.
Rule No. 17 No Rifle Breaking
What is rifle breaking?
It is the use of one's own weapon's of war for one's own sexual
fullfilment. Many women, and some men, like to take their rifle or
other weapon, saber, and take them apart and while they are cleaning
them, they get erotically stimulated. When that happens, the parts go
missing and the weapon ends up in pieces. None of that will be allowed.
Rule No. 18 No Fraternizing with the preacher.
What is fraternizing with the preacher? It is looking at any male in
the face and making lurid signs of appeal that you would like to fuck
the guy. Only whores do it, and no whores will be allowed in my
"Rules" will be continued.
Sorry for the typos.
John Francis Ayres
The G O D Guy
And Company
High Holy King, Dai Matreya, Kuvera, Dai Swili,
Lord Buddha Shakamuni Eternal Buddha, Kuon Ganjo
Nyorai, Gurkian Mandala Body Guy, The G O D Guy,
The Lord Of Creation, Nagarjuna
The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry
John Francis Ayres
5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103
Tel: (702) 894-9518
john_ayrs @
jonjon @
My Homepage:
Check My Google News Group for the latest Info and
Stew Formulas.
My Google Group Newsgroup:
Formerly of Falls Church, McLean, Arlington Va.,
Lanham, Md., Honolulu, Hi., Rialto, Ca., Tokyo, Nagoya,
Osaka, Gojyo, Nara Pref., Kyoto, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Jordan - the middle kingdom, Seoul Korea, and a few
other places, here and there.
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