TXZZ after asserting some racially
negative stereotyping, TXZZ ponders:

> What is it that whites are doing that just make us so superior?

In South New Guinea, Dr. Jared Diamond of ULCA
was asked by a local politician why do whites
have so much cargo(materialistic wealth/powerful
thing )? After 30 years of research  Diamond
writes his response in his famous book
"Guns, Germs, and Steel." A National Geographic
three part video version of his book is currently
being broadcasted in Washington DC area by
WETA 26 PBS. It is also  available as a DVD
(do a search on Amazon.com to find it). Diamond
hypothesizes that europeaon whites benefited
from their initial geographical location
that gave them superior potential abilities
to raise crops, raise livestock, generate
resistance to diseases, and to assimilate
technologies for the middle east and the
far east. However, with the advent of the
global economy, modern medicine, biotechology,
satellite communications, and the world
wide web ISTM that this historical geographic
advantage may have become less importance in
the future of humanity as how much access to
financial-capital, natural resource, political-
military power, techologies and human resources
each human society currently has and how each
society applies them.