j...@csse.monash.edu.au wrote:
> Apud declan_murphy@hotmail.com (fj.life.in-japan) hoc legimus:
> >I've received a couple of gaiginsama notes over the years, but also
> >when back in Iidabashi. At midnight mass in Hakodate a while back it
> >wasn't a note but in the aisle for the Eucharist.
> Written on the floor? Was this like the cathedral in Calcutta, which
> had special pews for untouchable Catholics?

It was a spoken, "let the gaiginsama go ahead of you". It was probably
intended for a child behind me or something because I heard it just as
I reached the aisle. Its pretty hard to be offended by gaiginsama.

Special pews for untouchable Catholics? Strewth.