Please help me on this psychology survey about relationships!
Perceptions of One's Own and Partner's Cross-Sex Friendships
My name is Marie-Claire and I am a fourth year psychology student at
Swinburne University in Melbourne. This year I am doing my thesis on
opposite-sex friendships in long-term relationships, (in other words a
husband's female friends and a wife's male friends) and the effects
these friendships have on the relationship or vice-versa. My study
could involve people who are married or people who are in a de-facto
relationship. You do not need to have a friend of the opposite-sex, all
I ask is that you are 50 years and under and that your current
relationship has been going for at least one year.
The idea of cross-gender friends in relationships seems to be a very
popular subject for discussion - everyone I talk to seems to have an
opinion on this! Now to help to with my thesis I need to collect and
analyse as many opinions from individuals in serious relationships as I
If you or your partner can spare me 15 to 30 minutes of your time to
answer some questions in an online survey relating to your relationship
and your opposite-sex friends, I would really appreciate it. All
survey answers are anonymous and so your privacy is assured - no one
will be able to trace your answers back to you. If you are interested
and feel you can help me, please go to
We appreciate your taking the time to complete our online survey. The
study is very important to us as this may help in counselling couples
or families with problems. Again thank you very much in advance for
your help.
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