I wonder --- A dropped infield catch in baseball is not as critical as
a dropped catch off a top order cricket bat.. You just give away a base
hit if you drop a catch(or if you don't attempt a wild catch). So
catchers don't go for extraordinary Collingwood/Jonty type catches
except when they are grabbing the ball on the way to a home-run?!?!
Which is why you would find more spectacular catches in cricket than in

Jeff Lawrence wrote:

> <ben> wrote:
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_between_cricket_and_baseball#Play
> >
> > Excellent site for baseball fans who are interested to learn about Cricket.
> Well, as a big fan of both, one thing I've noticed is how people
> go wild whenever a diving catch is made in baseball. And it's even
> worse when an infielder manages to catch a ball in his non-gloved
> hand.
> I'd say that far more amazing catches have been taken in cricket,
> especially those one-handed reaction ones in the slips or a catch
> taken by a close-in fielder from a full-blooded twhack, etc.
> Am I right in thinking a cricket ball is harder than a baseball?
> Cheers
> Jeff