If you are looking for a resource to assist in the interpretation of
music beyond what is written on the page then you may be interested in
my new book, "A Composer's Guide to Understanding Music with
Activities for Listeners, Interpreters, and Composers". After a
discussion of musical components from the viewpoint of a composer,
various activities are presented. Below a few samples of the activities
that are designed to help interpreters with adding something special to
their performance.

>From Chapter II - Timbre - Imagine your or your musician's part
being orchestrated. For example, does the line that is being played on
trombone have the character of a typical bassoon line? If so, try to
imitate the sound of a bassoon on the trombone. Observe how you change
the amplitude over time factor of timbre.

>From Chapter X - Melody - Using a piece of music that you are
studying, locate the main motifs of the melodies. Observe where the
composer develops these motives in your music and emphasize the
similarities and differences in your performance.

>From Chapter XV - Inspiration - Using a piece of music you are
studying, that does not have an extra-musical association, create a
story line (detailed program notes) that you feel is appropriate for
the piece. You can even put words to important motives. Observe any
differences in your performance after doing this.

About the Book:

      The purpose of this book is to provide insight into the
compositional process to enable listeners, interpreters, and creators
of music to advance their skills through a series of guided activities.
Listeners can use this book to increase their musical understanding and
appreciation. Developing performers, educators and conductors can use
this book to gain valuable insights to assist them with interpreting
music beyond what is printed on the page. Developing composers can use
this book as a beginning text or to help refine their compositional
       Each chapter is divided into descriptive material that includes
some discovery activities to assist in the learning process. A CD
containing MIDI performances of most of the examples used in the
chapters is included. The descriptive material is followed by separate
activities for listeners, interpreters, and composers. 74 pages.
       Purchase of the book entitles the reader to join a free on-line
discussion group that is moderated by the author. It is a place to
share experiences, comments and questions regarding subjects that are
covered in the book and to respond to other reader's posts. The
author will also contribute to the discussions.

About the Author:

Sy Brandon is a composer, educator, and performer with over forty years
of experience. His compositions have received international recognition
through competitions, performances, and recordings. His varied
educational career has included teaching elementary school instrumental
music, university teaching, guest residencies, and adult education as a
Commonwealth Speaker for the Pennsylvania Humanities Council. He has
performed as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestral musician
throughout the United States. He has authored articles that have
appeared in professional journals.


"Sy Brandon's 'A Composer's Guide to Understanding Music' is a
wonderful and provocative 'hands-on' assessment of a subject often
viewed as too technical. Readers learn step by step HOW to listen and
WHAT to listen FOR in a musical work. There is clarity in Brandon's
compilation and the accompanying CD of short musical examples from
works by the author/composer clearly illustrates all the topics in the
text point by point. More than simply another text on composing, the
reader's fascination is propelled forward by the author's enthusiasm
and passion for the subject. Highly recommended!"
Robert Levy, Professor Emeritus (Director of Bands), Lawrence
University (1979-04)

"Simply put, it's a good read and it works. You should be commended
on your abilities as a writer, educator, and communicator. Your book is
great resource and I have enjoyed it very much. Well done!"
Chuck Hulihan, Director of Guitar Programs, Glendale Community College,
Guitarist with Duozona

        "A Composer's Guide to Understanding Music is an academic yet
user-friendly guide for anyone seeking the tools necessary to create
original sounds, and provides deeper analysis for listeners who want to
better appreciate "art" music. ... a very useful reference book that
any music teacher, music director, professional or even amateur
musician will find helpful."
        Larry Coressel, Production Manager, Host of Morning Concert and New
Music, Dayton Public Radio

Available from:

Co-op Press,  P.O. Box 204, Wrightsville, PA 17368-0204
$20.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling
Text book adoption copies, bookstore and library discounts available
ISBN 0-9772921-0-X