On light aberration
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to draw your attention to our new paper
" On light aberration "
We will study astronomical aberration of light from the view of
classical and relativistic formalisms and reveal the following salient
feature of aberration in classical formalism: the models of moving
observer and stationary source and of moving source and stationary
observer are non-identical. As opposite to this, the relativistic
formalism has based its modelling on the identity of these models,
which causes full phenomenological discrepancy of relativistic approach
to the real description of aberration.
We will show that Airy obtained a negative result in his experiment
with the telescope filled with water because of features of telescopic
system, which he did not account. If getting these masking effects
over, we can suggest a method to measure exactly the absolute velocity
and direction of the Earth motion based on the feature of aberration
predicted by classical formalism. Additionally, we will give one more
scheme to register the velocity of Earth. This technique will allow to
measure, just as the technique based on aberration, the first-order
values of smallness in v/c.
As aberration is one of crux problems of physics and astronomy, we are
hoping, it will be important for many of you to understand that in
reality this effect is much more complicated. This can considerably
improve your understanding of aberration problem. Enjoy reading the
full text here:
Best to you all,
Sergey B. Karavashkin
Head Laboratory SELF
187 apt., 38 bldg.
Prospect Gagarina
Kharkov 61140
Phone: +38 (057) 73706624
e-mail: selftrans@yandex.ru , selflab@mail.ru
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