Time to dust off your super microscope and win the grand prize.
Simply estimate the number of stars in the following mind-boggling view

of just a teeny-weeny part of the universe that, at the start, was only

total darkness as seen from the Hubble Telescope.
Remember, too, that the view you're seeing was as though the Hubble was

looking through a straw eight-foot long.
I repeat: as seen through a straw EIGHT-FEET LONG.
To get this view of galaxies galore, the Hubble had to utilize millions

of seconds of exposure -- one second at a time over a very long period.

All estimates of stars -- NOT galaxies, that's too easy -- should be
mailed to:
Count the Stars Contest
Smithsonian Insitution
National Museum of Natural History
Constitution Avenue & 10th Street NW
Washington DC USA 20560
The grand prize will be a Tinkertoy Telescope which you can use to
doublecheck the findings of the Hubble.
(Please note that all guesses under a 1,000,000,000 will be
automatically disqualifed as being too few.
Ed Conrad (aka Dr.Evil)
> http://www.edconrad.com
Man as Old as Coal 
Proof of Life After Death 