Re: Reality of black holes wrote:
> None wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > We are going on publishing the 5th volume of works of our laboratory
> > with the paper
> >
> > " On reality of black holes "
> That sounds like it might be fun.
> >
> > *Abstract*
> >
> > We will analyse the basic phenomenological and mathematical approaches
> > of Relativity
> Ohhhh -- all of eleven words before you brainfarted yourself into
> oblivion.
> Black holes have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with relativity --
> they are the necessary outcome of *any* theory of gravity that obeys a
> 1/r^2 law and were already known to Newton.
That is an interesting point. Some of the induced dipole
quantum models we (Significant_zero and I ) were tinkering
with were not well behaved in adhering to a 1/r^2 law.
You seem to be making a ?valid? point that they should not
be. IOW the earth's gravity can not diminish by 1/r^2 from
both the surface (its maxima) and its barycenter?
> Pity.
> Well, better luck next time.
> cordially
> Y.T.
> --
> Remove YourClothes before you email me.
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