Thank you, Jean. From our side, what a pity that wolfs walk in packs
but elks in single...

See, how much criticism, although no one has read the paper. Such story
with all papers. They need allowance but not science. Generally,
something very bad occurs on Google. Practically each constructive post
is attacked and often by hooligans. They squeeze sensible authors out,
and Google obviously encourages it.

We still did not read your True Geology - perhaps because it takes
time to look through such large material in foreign language. In our
way we will unavoidably come to geology (our astrophysical chapters are
only the substantiation for the future geological model, which still is
not available on our site and we have not it in English to send you).
But we know a bit about your devoted way in science. Terrific way,
Jean. When we have in hands what to show you in geology, we will
certainly send you a link.

Good luck,

Sergey and Olga