rcaetano wrote:
> I've heard that monthly mansions might be a good option to regular
> apaato/manshon in case of relatively short stay (less than 1 year). But
> it looks like in Fukuoka they're way more expensive than a regular
> apaato:
> http://www.weeklymansion-navi.com/fukuoka/
> http://www.monthlyfukuoka.com/wls_ohorikita/
> For instance, the rent for a certain 1K is 90k per month (roughly
> double the regular rent). Others are more expensive. Looking at the
> pictures they do like newer, better and more furnished than the regular
> apartment. They even have elevators. Still, the difference is quite
> big. What am I missing?
As Kuri mentions, you've got to factor in down payment and such things
with a 'regular' apartment. But I've seen no fixed term, no down
payment apartments in the flyers you get in front of convenience stores
(etc.). If you're in Japan you might check those out.

I'd like to find a site like this for Kobe/Himeji. Where did you find
the URLs?

John W.