John W. wrote:
> etaka wrote:
> > And it really is sad what's happened to Maikeru since his "Bad" days.

Actually, considering his home life growing up, recalling a certain
interview in the 80s shortly after going solo in which he displayed his
naivete to the adult world such as when he joyfully dug into his first
quiche with his fingers while in a decent restaurant with the reporter;
and his trouble holding together a marriage, I should say his life is
pretty sad, period, and he hasn't recovered yet. It was kind of telling
when his own father (also an accused abuser of children, his own) was
not allowed into the courtroom to offer Michael support last week.

> I heard he's nearly 240 million in debt at the moment and is refusing
> to sell his assets. Can't imagine him ever being truly homeless, but I
> bet he would think he was if he had to sell the Neverland Ranch and
> move into a small 10K square foot cottage.

He may be defaulting on multimillion dollar cash loan payments, but
because he has (half?) his music library and holdings in (half?) that
recording company to fall back on or to sell off if need be (estimated
by one report last week to be worth up to about a BILLION dollars), no,
he will never be in serious financial trouble no matter what the rest
of his entertainment career is like if he could only control that
spending. Can't imagine how he spends so much on himself. If I had 200
million to spend on my face and skin, I'd look a lot better.

He's a poster boy for how money and fame can't bring happiness.