
These people in the Sudan, Darfur, to be exact, need some real help.
If you helped, it isn't an issue of Bible Prophesy, but the Christian's
are so messed up that they would think so, or try to make mean as much.
 The US military is just as bad.  If you go to help the people in
Darfur, they'll think that you are trying to surround them.  But, if
all you do is help the civilians, you would really be helping people
that need the help.  It's not a epic of Biblical Proportions, or
Predictions, but like I said, the christians will try to make it sound
like the end of the world, and scare the shit out of major sections of
the US.

I'm serious, Sudan, and the Darfur, region could really use some
Military Help.  Here is a map of the situation in Africa.


Have a nice day.