Re: Why do women prefer to have sex with niggers? wrote:
> TXZZ wrote:
> > Please explain I have never understood this
> They dont. Know who made this up? Ni99ers. Hahahahahah
Yes I know who made it up.
When England invaded Scotland they justified it
by saying the Scottish had animal like unnatural size testicles
large animal like penis.
Many many years later the Victorians justified
their treatment of Negroes by saying they had
unnaturally large testicles. Of course neither of them did.
So to answer your question it was the Victorians.
I absolutely love history have you got any more unusual questions?
I also enjoy reading old PRO PROB 11/921, 1766:
BECKMAN, Dedirick
In the name of God Amen. I Dedirick Beckman of St Botolph
without Bishopsgate, Sugar Refiner * To be buried in his
vault at St George's Lutheran Church, Alie St.
Appoints his wife Margaret Beckman, Lawrence Charlesson
of St Botolph without Bishopsgate sugar refiner, the
Rev Gustav Anton Wachsel of St Geo Lutheran Ch Alie St,
and Nicholas Beckman of Angell Alley Whitechapel sugar
refiner as his executors, and gives them each £100.
All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
To his wife Margaret Beckman all his leasehold
messuages tenements houses outhouses gardens fields
and premises situate in Islington together with the
indenture to lease. Also his household furniture,
coach and horses, jewels, watches, plate, china, books,
silver and wearing apparel. Also £1000.
To his sister Katherine Wachell £500.
To Francis Eggar of Brick Lane sugar refiner, Katherine
Jasper widow of Princes Sq, Thomas Draper of Lower Moorfields
broker, and Gerrard Eggar his (DB) servant £100 each.
To St Georges Lutheran Church, Alie St, £500.
In copartnership in the business of sugar refining with
Lawrence Charlesson. Each brought stock in trade, monies
and fixture worth £10,000 to the business, and the agreement
states that after the death of DB his wife Margaret shall
take over his share of the partnership. If she declines then
Nicholas Beckman may take the partnership but must pay Margaret
Beckman interest of 5% on £7000 for her natural life, and
similarly Lawrence Charlesson must pay 5% on £7000 for her
natural life for his use of the said sum as part of the business.
All the rest and residue of his estate to be converted to
money, invested, and all annuities into which he may have
entered be paid, with the remaining interest and dividends
to his wife Margaret Beckman. After her death his estate
to be divided into 5 equal parts those parts going to
Lawrence Charlesson (only if he takes Nicholas Beckman
into partnership if Margaret Beckman wishes it otherwise
this fifth share is void and the shares become fourth shares),
Rev Gustav Anton Wachsel, Nicholas Beckman, and Erhard Wachsel,
with the fifth part invested and the interest paid to his niece
Anna Margaretha Ressler formerly Beckmann wife of John Jacob
Ressler staymaker and tailor of the City of Frankfort on the
Oder in the Middle March of the Electorate of Brandenburgh,
and after her death for the maintenance and education of
her children. If his niece dies without issue or that
issue does not reach 21 yrs then whole fifth to Nicholas Beckman.
Signed : Dedirick Beckman on 24 July 1766.
Witnesses : Susannah Beckmann, Robert Woodgate.
Proved at London on 16 August 1766 by the oaths
of his executors.
ID signature
Philip Davidson,
10 Ronald Avenue
West Ham
E15 3AH
East London
Phone: ( 020 ) 511 9341
Mobile phone 07906821566
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