Have sex with alpha males only ladies...
For all women in the world.
I recently asked women to got knocked up by the alpha males.
Seems that the term of alpha males are confusing.
So tell you what girls. Just follow your feeling, mate with males that
you feel the most attractive too.
Any woman that's pro choice will do that. If you pick attractive males,
future gene pool will be filled with attractive males.
Attractive males pro females choice. The reason females' choices are
circumspenced all over the place is because many males are
unattractive. So they make sex laws to ration females to all males.
Anti polygamy and anti prostitution is one of them.
Females, if you're really pro choice, start picking with males that's
pro females' choice. That's got to be the most attractive males. More
attractive males want women to have all the right to choose because
when women can choose they choose the best and brightest.
What are attractive males?
1. Power
2. Wealth
3. Brain
4. Look
5. Witty
6. Humor
7. Achievements that signals genetic superiority.
Now of course women want to mate with attractive males. Say that
Say what you want aloud so all males know what you want. That way
lesser cocks will have harder time making up laws that reduces females'
Sign the petition here:
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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