Have sex with alpha males only ladies...
For all women in the world.
There are enough studs out there for every woman if they're willing to
I would like to ask all women in the world to mate with the smartest
richest male.
Why? Because I am rich and I am sick fucking tired of supporting the
rest of the population with worse Genes than I am.
So ladies....
Males want as many females as possible. There are many rich
millionaires and billionaires want to love, hug, and knock you up.
The richer, smarter, and attractive the males, the less likely they use
violence to keep females in line.
Only poor males need to resort to beating, wife burning, genital
mutilation, and government's laws to attract females. Why settle for
such males? Pick richer ones.
We, the alpha males want women to choose all they want because we know
that when women can choose, they choose us.
I know you've been indoctrinated by romance and stuff. But guess what,
that's bullshit.
The whole point of romance, monogamy, etc. is to RATION females to less
desirable males. Often, forceful indoctrination is done under the
pretext of protecting females' interest. Any opposing opinion is
called offensive for females.
I know many of my females' friends that are NOT happy in marriage.
Some are trapped there prevented from divorcing by the law. If the
females no longer want him, and she's forced, that's rape right?
Well, that's marriage. Legalize rape.
Is that the kind of life you want to have ladies? That's what happens
to women that are trapped into a marriage relationship with a lesser
It's natural that women are happier with guys like me than be the
only one for lesser cocks. A few have chosen so, and I want more. Of
course. Richer smarter males provide more money and better genes.
Of course, ladies, if you aim for high quality cock, you'll be in
crowded place. So you got to share. However, sharing has a benefit too.
When you aim for guys that already have females, you know that the guy
is capable enough to attract females. That improve the probability that
you get good genes right? Don't you get turned on being approached by
rich smart studs?
But so what? Our instincts are built for gene pool survival. Your eggs
are limited. You get pregnant for 9 months after you got knocked up.
Don't you want the best genes to fertilize your egg?
Now, sharing males have one disadvantage. The money is rationed too.
But so what?
1% of a billionaires' wealth is more than 100% of floor moppers wealth.
And then you got better genes ladies.
Even males like me don't mind sharing once in a while if the women are
pretty enough.
You see, what we, rich people fear from sharing females, are
consequences of having to give away wealth proportional with our money.
If it's not proportional so what? We also hate being tricked into
supporting other's kid through marriage and adultery. As long as things
are front front, we're fine.
Also, don't get married. Marriage is a trap to bond you to some
lesser cocks. Marriage contracts are heavily regulated by
government's that serve the interest of less desirable males.
Women, why not decide your own term of sex relationship rather than
letting lesser cocks decide what's best for you?
So ladies, ignore what churches, schools, and Disney taught you. If you
want happiness, aim for quality. Let the lesser cocks go fuck
themselves and jerk off. Aim for rich smart males like us. We love you.
Why settle for your equal if you can aim higher?
I am not sexist. I am just a rich smart male that knows what women
instinctively want. That's why many chicks want me. I just want more.
Rich smart males want to spread our superior genes to as many females
as possible through consensual means. Why we are immoral?
Now, I know rich smart males are rare. That happens because there are
many laws that prevent us from being available to you.
For example, alimony, palimony, and child support is proportional with
men's wealth. Now, we get nervous attracting females under that law.
Why not let females choose the kind of financial commitment that she
Females will be better off having sex for $100,000 per year from a
billionaire than having sex for $10,000 per year with a floor mopper
right? Why not let the females choose?
However, such mutually beneficial arrangements are prevented because
lesser cocks dictate that all sexual relationship has to be based on
love that's supposedly shouldn't be shared. Bull shit...
The real problem is because the lesser cocks wouldn't get any. So, they
make laws against that. And then they trick females that the laws are
there to protect females' interest. Of course not.
Females like any other HUMAN beings will have their interest served
with CHOICES of what to do with their body. Prohibition of mutually
consensual acts between males and females will always hurt females
Ladies, if there is enough of you that sign this petition, I can use
this as justification to eradicate all such laws. Then rich smart males
will be available to you.
If women say blankly what they want loud and clear, lesser cocks will
have harder time limiting your CHOICE under the pretext of protecting
So please sign up. Also allow me to see your email so I can introduce
you to rich smart males, including my self. There's an option that
says private email.
I love you ladies...
Sign the petition here:
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