Michael Cash wrote:

> On 28 Nov 2004 04:40:03 -0800, bob_biggs8@yahoo.com (Bob Biggs8)
> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Hello Everyone
>>Im looking to move back to Vancouver this summer. I'd like to move
>>alot of my stuff too (maybe 1/2 a 20ft container). Can someone direct
>>me as to the cheapest way to do this? I prefer not to deal with full
>>service companies like Nitsu. I can get everything packed up ready for
>>transport and can arrange pick up in Vancouver.
>>Any advice is welcome
> I hooked up one fjlij denizen on a containerized move from NY to
> Yokohama a few months ago. I believe he saved a bit of money over what
> the moving company had quoted him. Two things, though:
> 1. Where the hell are you moving *from*?
> 2. If you insist on using only part of a container rather than taking
> the whole thing, you're going to limit your options on this. They
> don't take containers out to places to be partially loaded. You have
> to truck your stuff to the container terminal and pay somebody else to
> load it. Ditto but in reverse on the receiving end.
Got any good tips on San Jose to Bonaire? Crown wants $18.5K if I
abandon one of my cars, and hasn't gotten back to me on what it will
take to ship both. There has to be a better way.