On Dec 4, 2:51 pm, Scott Reynolds <scottr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The 2-Belo wrote:
> > Not that I'm defending the cultural reasons behind it, but I think one *always*
> > has control over his or her life and should act if they think they are headed in
> > the wrong direction. I did that in 2002 to escape virtual enslavement in the
> > rural Philippines at the hands of a very large Japanese corporation, and it
> > likely saved my sanity.
> Oh, yeah. I remember that story from your blog. Pretty frightening.
> And I agree with your point about the necessity of taking control of
> one's own life, BTW. I've been meaning to do that some day soon, if only
> I can make room in my busy work schedule....

To go and buy new work slippers?