I have my second black belt in Tae Kwon Do and just started practicing
JuJitsu. I have to tell you that between learning Japanese and how to fall I
have had to work really hard for my schools upcoming yellow belt test (we
have a no BS teacher). I am very proud of my white belt at this point. I
would forget the color of the belt on start working on your Ukemi (I'm
almost 40 and every fall hurts a bit more than I would like ;).


"Olusculum" <1@1.com> wrote in message
> Hi i have a general question.
>  I stopped practicing judo 14 years ago, now i'm 30 and i felt like doing
> again.
>  I had a violett belt (because i was too young to get the brown belt) when
> stopped and wondered if they would give it back to me or if i'd have to
> start all over again from white (which wouldn't annoy me anyway).