Re: Jean F***ing Kerry Thinks Japanese Are Anti-American Terrorists
Gerry <> radiated into the WorldWideWait:
> In article <>, Duke of URL wrote:
>> Jean F***ing Kerry Thinks Japanese Are Anti-American Terrorists
>> When speaking of Muslim fundamentalists, he calls them Wasabi
>> Musims.
> As a loyal Republican, I think you should cite your quote.
Not positive - it wasn't the Onion. Might possibly have been the
SpoofTImes. I didn't recieve the original.
> I was just telling somebody yesterday night that the incidental
> assaults on Kerry and Edwards should now eclipse Dean. Funny how
> every Republican wants to talk about anybody but Bush...
That's because there's no doubt - President Bush will be the
Republican Nominee and then commence his second term
It's always more fun to pay attention to the clowns than to the
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