Re: Why do British hate american culture?
In news:Je6Pb.18143$,
Adam Whyte-Settlar <> radiated into the
> "Raj Feridun" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:51:44 +1300, JJD <>
>> wrote:
>>>> I do wish her good luck and I hold no ill feelings towards her.
>>>> If she dislikes America she's absolutely doing to right thing by
>>>> leaving and I urge the same of all America-haters living in the
>>>> country. The haters don't deserve to live there.
>>> I'm sure you're mistaken. One remembers claims that America is
>>> the place where one is free to see the world as one wishes,
>>> without fear or prejudice. Perhaps that was in another time.
>> No, no mistake. The undeservedness of haters to live in the USA is
>> purely my opinion. Yes, the United States allows everyone to
>> express their views freely even the USA haters.
>> I was just urging all those haters to leave since there's no
>> reason to hang around a place you hate so much. I applauded her
>> personally for doing so. A lot of the haters are just of full of
>> hot air though and hungering attention it would seem. They fully
>> avail themselves of the privilege that is American citizenship and
>> all it affords them while badmouthing their country all the way.
>> That just sucks.
> Not into democracy yourself then?
> Think you could define what an 'America-hater' *is* exactly?
> Does merely 'bad-mouthing their country' make them 'America haters'
> in your view?
Well, here's one good explanation:
Experience proves that the man who obstructs a war in which his nation
is engaged, no matter whether right or wrong, occupies no enviable
place in life or history. Better for him, individually, to advocate
"war, pestilence and famine," than to act as obstructionist to a war
already begun.
The history of the defeated rebel will be honorable hereafter,
compared with that of the Northern man who aided him by conspiring
against his government while protected by it.
The most favorable posthumous history the stay-at-home traitor can
hope for is - oblivion.
-- Ulysses S Grant
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