Raj Feridun <> radiated into the
> On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:38:46 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
> <> wrote:
>> "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in message
>> news:yzoNb.17253$

>>> I happen to live in a little bit of paradise on the Pacific coast
>>> in the south island of New Zealand.
>>> Where I never have to lock my door or my car, the only person for
>>> miles that has a gun is the possum control guy, and I can buy
>>> everything I need for about 16 hours work a week and the summers
>>> are 9 months long. And that's just for starters.
>>> Why would I want to trade any of this for the company of ignorant,
>>> aspirational, unfulfilled, shallow and deluded fuckwits?
>>> I meet many Merkans who are jealous of what *we* have and are
>>> queueing up (literally) to emigrate here.
>>> Most get refused due to insufficient education and skills.
>> Yep, jealous.
>> Believe me, if America wasn't the best place in the world to live,
>> I wouldn't make it my home.
> Right on! That said I wouldn't mind VISITING New Zealand.

Same here. It appears to be almost as nice as Alaska.