"Sergey Karavashkin" <selftrans@yandex.ru> wrote in message news:a42650fc.0403011520.65fb17ab@posting.google.com...
> "Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoortel@ThankS-NO-SperM.hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > "Alan Boswell" <alan.boswell@nospambaesystems.com> wrote in message news:403A05AD.836807C5@nospambaesystems.com...
> > > Sergey
> > >
> > > curl grad v = 0  is a general theorem which, because it is general, also
> > > applies to all coordinate systems and also to axisymmetric systems.
> > >
> > > Looking at your link, I think your expression for the potential of a
> > > current element is incomplete, and should have a factor (1-j/(kr)) that
> > > you have omitted.
> > >
> > > I have emailed the analysis to you separately.
> >
> > I have the impression that Sergey is not really interested
> > in the refutations of his article.
> >
> > Dirk Vdm
> Dear Dirk,
> This discussion is necessary and important for me, though I'm some
> embarrassed that it is confined to the sought of our mistake.

There never was a sought.
The mistake is obvious.

Dirk Vdm