Mad Dan wrote:

> Amongst all the drivel BYJW watches on TV, she saw this show which
> showed a "diet" with (apparently) an 80% success rate - simply weigh
> yourself every morning (when you're at your lightest) and every
> evening (heaviest), and plot it on a graph with a HUGE scale so that
> every 100g change looks like a mountain (or valley).

In these day's women's variety shows such as Oprah, you should pay 
attention to what they show you for make-over experiences.  They don't 
talk about different types of make-ups, outfits, or hair style anymore. 
  They go invasive ways:  plastic surgery, breasts enlargement. 
liposuction, and gastric bypass surgery.

So far, I notice that the people who had a gastric bypass surgery will 
experience some traumatic period after the surgery.