On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 10:50:56 +0900, The 2-Belo
<the2belo@msd.biPOKPOKglobe.ne.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on
going with:

>Michael Cash and fj.life.in-japan is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 10:07:24 +0900, The 2-Belo
>><the2belo@msd.biPOKPOKglobe.ne.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on
>>going with:
>>>Bryan Parker and fj.life.in-japan is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> said:
>>>>>For some strange reason, XP decided that it would take it upon itself
>>>>>to re-enable the XP firewall. I took an axe to it again.
>>>>Get a bigger axe.
>>><reagan>MISTER CASH, TEAR... DOWN... THIS... WALL!</reagan>
>>I squirted some ether down the carburetor. Hit 'er again and see if
>>she'll crank.
>She's responding now, but I'm immediately kicked off.

XP firewall is giving me fits again. I had completely disabled it and
everything worked great for a while. But when I downloaded and
installed MS's design-fukkup-fix a few days ago it appears that part
of the fix was to re-enable XP firewall and install a new component of
it which wasn't even there the last time. I'm back to manually
entering ports into the thing, and it is back to puking them up again
a day or so later. I have no idea why. It will be Sunday before I have
the time and energy to fart around with figuring out how to disable
the damned thing again.