Re: Tell me, Mike
In article <>, Ernest Schaal
<> wrote:
> > Nowadays, when I want a heavy dinner, I go to the curry.
> One big difference I noticed in my last trip back to the States is how big
> the portions are. No wonder so many Americans are obese. After a while, my
> wife and I started splitting something between us.
As do we; and even then sometimes it's a labor.
This approach boat-swamping approach is so consistent, we've begun to
refer to such as "big plate Mexican" joints. We figure the only way
they can rationalize $12.95 for a taco and some beans, is to give you 4
tacos and enough rice and beans to fatten a family for of four.
This apparently appeals to Unitedstatesians, you see, as it's a "good
value", even though you may not WANT that value. Like getting a good
price on rubber bands at Office Depot--except they'll only sell you an
8 pounds bag of them. Over the course of 30 years it will be a
First they gerrymander us into one-party fiefs. Then they tell us they only
care about the swing districts. They they complain about voter apathy.
-- Gail Collins
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