S$(D??(Bbado, 05 de Noviembre, 2016 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica 

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo) 


Cuando Abraham y su hijo Isaac alcanzaron el monte de que nuestro Padre celestial le afirm$(D??(B, de que lo llevaria a $(D??(Bl, para que recueste a su hijo sobre el altar, en donde $(D??(Bl arder$(D??(B como en un sacrificio santo hacia $(D??(Bl en el cielo, entonces $(D??(Bl tom$(D??(B el le$(D??(Bo y el fuego para encenderlo con el amor prehist$(D??(Brico, para siempre. Abraham siempre le hab$(D??(Ba cre$(D??(Bdo a Dios, de que $(D??(Bl siempre har$(D??(Ba maravillosas cosas en su vida, por eso, tenia confianza en su coraz$(D??(Bn, de que lo que Dios iba a hacer con $(D??(Bl y con su hijo era m$(D??(Bs all$(D??(B de sus sue$(D??(Bos: por ello, $(D??(Bl estaba listo para cortar con el cuchillo a su hijo, como el sacrificio del d$(D??(Ba.   

Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial estaba probando su fe, por ello $(D??(Bl mismo lo llevaba hacia el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el monte Moriah, para que $(D??(Bl sea quien arregle la madera y el fuego de que una vez encendido sobre el altar, que $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba conocido antes: entonces $(D??(Bste fuego arder$(D??(Ba perpetuamente con el bautismo redentor de todos sus hijos. No obstante, Abraham fall$(D??(B en entender que era lo que nuestro Padre celestial estaba listo para hacer con su vida y la de su hijo Isaac, porque $(D??(Bl lo segu$(D??(Ba por el camino hacia el monte desconocido: para levantar el altar que el Padre siempre hab$(D??(Ba buscado divinamente hasta que encontr$(D??(B a su amigo (Abraham), listo para ejecutar su voluntad m$(D??(Bs sobrecogedora.

Nuestro Padre celestial estaba listo para ver si Abraham hacia lo impensable aunque $(D??(Bl le hab$(D??(Ba dado a su hijo Isaac de su familia divina que es su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo: y ahora estaba llamado a ejecutarlo como en un sacrificio de ofrenda ardiendo, que jam$(D??(Bs cesara de ser en la tierra y en el reino angelical, para siempre. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial sabia perfectamente, de que aquel que hab$(D??(Ba llamado a hacer su voluntad jam$(D??(Bs lo decepcionar$(D??(Ba a $(D??(Bl, porque $(D??(Bl sabia perfectamente cuanta fe Abraham hab$(D??(Ba acumulado en su coraz$(D??(Bn por $(D??(Bl: por ende, $(D??(Bl estaba listo para ejecutar su voluntad sin quejarse jam$(D??(Bs, y esto era de sacrificar aquel que hab$(D??(Ba aprendido a amar grandemente en su coraz$(D??(Bn.

Nuestro Padre celestial jam$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba llamado a Abraham a hacer nada tan dif$(D??(Bcil para $(D??(Bl y su esposa Sarah, porque a todo lo que $(D??(Bl lo llamaba a hacer desde el cielo entonces $(D??(Bl lo ejecutaba sin quejarse jam$(D??(Bs, pues, sin darse cuenta, $(D??(Bl estaba siendo preparado por el Padre mismo, su Hijo Jesucristo y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo ha hacer lo imposible. Y esto seria algo que nuestro Padre celestial postreramente tendr$(D??(Ba que hacer no solamente para salvarlo a $(D??(Bl junto con su esposa Sarah del pecado, pero tambi$(D??(Bn a sus hijos prometidos por nacer en generaciones futuras: porque lo que $(D??(Bl tendr$(D??(Ba que hacer para salvarlos del pecado, Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte y el infierno, entonces seria de sacrificar a su unig$(D??(Bnito, $(D??(BJesucristo!

Adem$(D??(Bs, esto seria algo que nuestro Padre celestial har$(D??(Ba para convertir a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba no solamente de Israel pero tambi$(D??(Bn de las familias de las naciones, porque $(D??(Bl no pod$(D??(Ba permitirle a Satan$(D??(Bs y a sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos reinar en la carne pecadora, que hab$(D??(Ba comido del fruto prohibido, del $(D??(Brbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal. Por eso, es que era importante para nuestro Padre celestial sentarse con Abraham y con sus 318 disc$(D??(Bpulos que eran sus hijos adoptados, comprados de extranjeros por dinero, d$(D??(Bndoles as$(D??(B un hogar de familia con su esposa Sarah: para que juntos todos ellos comer del pan y vino, servido diariamente por su Hijo Jesucristo a los que aman a Dios, perpetuamente. 

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba sentarse con Abraham y sus hijos que hab$(D??(Ba comprado por dinero de extranjeros, para darles no solamente casa y familia que hab$(D??(Ban perdido por la violencia de sus tierras, pero tambi$(D??(Bn entregarles el amor que siempre buscaron por todos lados: y lo encontraron, cuando conocieron a Abraham y a su familia llena de amor. Abraham tenia verdadero amor para todos, y por ello $(D??(Bl era especial para el coraz$(D??(Bn de nuestro Padre celestial, para llevar acabo su voluntad perfecta sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, al recibir a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo: para que su semilla divina se integre en todas las familias de las naciones, perpetuamente.

Nuestro Padre celestial tenia en mente salvarlos, al ser Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva enga$(D??(Bados por las mentiras de Lucifer, por medio de la serpiente del Jard$(D??(Bn del Ed$(D??(Bn al comer del fruto prohibido: para que el coraz$(D??(Bn de Ad$(D??(Bn y el de sus hijos pierdan el amor a Dios y hacia su nombre perpetuamente en el cielo, para conocer solamente tinieblas, para siempre. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba un Plan de Salvaci$(D??(Bn, que Satan$(D??(Bs fall$(D??(B en descifrarlo, porque es tan grande y glorioso como su grande gracia, su grande misericordia, su grande verdad eterna junto con su amor y justicia divina en el cielo y, en nuestros d$(D??(Bas, en todas las familias de las naciones igualmente, desde que su Hijo Jesucristo naci$(D??(B como Isaac.

Nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo hab$(D??(Ba introducido en el esp$(D??(Britu humano de la familia de Abraham y, por ende, en toda familia de las naciones el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de su amor prehist$(D??(Brico, que siempre existi$(D??(B en su familia divina, que es su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo junto con las naciones angelicales, creadas para amarlo, servirle y glorificarlo a $(D??(Bl divinamente, siempre. Nuestro Padre celestial quer$(D??(Ba bendecir a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de cada familia no solamente de la familia de Abraham pero tambi$(D??(Bn de todas las familias de las naciones, porque Satan$(D??(Bs continuaba atac$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por medio de toda familia: por tanto, su coraz$(D??(Bn sufr$(D??(Ba de la manera m$(D??(Bs cruel.

Satan$(D??(Bs estaba veng$(D??(Bndose de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por haberlo despedido a $(D??(Bl y a su tercera parte de los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos de los lugares celestiales de amor, gloria, paz y de felicidades inagotables, que siempre fallaran en volver a conocer lejos de la presencia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial, para siempre. Puesto que, Satan$(D??(Bs conoce que es amor, servicio y gloria hacia nuestro Padre celestial por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y $(D??(Bl lo quer$(D??(Ba todo para $(D??(Bl, para que los $(D??(Bngeles lo amen, le sirvan y lo adoren a $(D??(Bl en vez de su Creador: y $(D??(Bl fall$(D??(B en obtenerlo todo, porque es imposible robarle a Dios. 

Es decir, que si tan s$(D??(Blo nuestro Padre celestial lo otorga todo por medio de su unig$(D??(Bnito y por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y esto es precisamente lo que $(D??(Bl hizo con Ad$(D??(Bn y con sus hijos nacidos del vientre de Eva, porque Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva nacieron de su imagen para vivir conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, llenos del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo. Y esto era lo que Satan$(D??(Bs estuvo buscando en el cielo, por ende $(D??(Bl pens$(D??(B que pod$(D??(Ba obtenerlo con la ayuda de los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, si es que $(D??(Bl pod$(D??(Ba hacer que lo siguiesen rebeldes todos en contra del Padre y de su nombre que vive en perfecta santidad de la carne, huesos inquebrantables y sangre reparadora de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Por eso, es que Satan$(D??(Bs siempre ha peleado a trav$(D??(Bs de los tiempos para encontrase m$(D??(Bs alto que el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial, derrotando a su Hijo Jesucristo, ya que $(D??(Bnicamente $(D??(Bl lleva su nombre en perfecta santidad, entonces si $(D??(Bl puede vencerlo, ciertamente que ha vencido el nombre bendito: y por eso $(D??(Bl continua atacando al hombre por doquier. Ahora, Satan$(D??(Bs triunfa al atacar a la gente por todo el mundo, ya que $(D??(Bl logr$(D??(B enga$(D??(Bar a Eva junto con Ad$(D??(Bn tambi$(D??(Bn cuando ambos comieron del fruto prohibido, que hab$(D??(Ba contaminado la imagen del Padre en cada uno de nosotros: y esta es la carne pecadora que siempre nos tiene conectados a $(D??(Bl, y s$(D??(Blo hasta que nos bauticemos en agua.

Visto que, solamente por el bautismo en agua nosotros invocamos su nombre bendito y el de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y, al instante, por los asombrosos poderes de la perfecta santidad de su nombre invocado entonces vendremos a ser extremadamente santos ante Satan$(D??(Bs y su carne pecadora, que inmediatamente tiene que soltarnos, visti$(D??(Bndonos as$(D??(B de la gloria divina, perpetuamente. Adem$(D??(Bs, es aqu$(D??(B en donde nuestro Padre celestial es que puede verdaderamente empezar a bendecirnos con su nombre todopoderoso y con el de su Hijo Jesucristo y con la santidad perfecta del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, que solamente puede descender sobre nosotros del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con Isaac y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que Satan$(D??(Bs nos suelte para siempre. 

De otro modo, si Satan$(D??(Bs no nos suelta de su agarre que $(D??(Bl tiene en nosotros, porque hemos nacido por inicio de la carne pecadora de Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva, contaminada con el fruto prohibido que desaf$(D??(Ba cada d$(D??(Ba, cada tarde y cada noche al nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces nuestro Dios fallara en bendecirnos grandemente cada d$(D??(Ba, para enriquecernos poderosamente. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial amar$(D??(Ba en bendecirnos a cada uno de nosotros as$(D??(B como lo hizo cuando nacimos de su imagen y alma viviente, para vivir conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, que lleva su nombre bendito en perfecta santidad por la eternidad: pero, primero $(D??(Bl tiene que liberarnos de Satan$(D??(Bs y de sus mentiras, maldiciones, y carne enferma, perpetuamente.

Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial nos dio vida a cada uno de nosotros en su imagen, naciendo por los asombrosos poderes de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo para vivir conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, que le complace grandemente en toda verdad y en toda justicia, para que vivamos finalmente en su gloria eterna, manifestada en nosotros solamente al amarlo a $(D??(Bl. Es decir tambi$(D??(Bn que nuestro Padre celestial nos dio vida a cada uno de nosotros, empezando por Ad$(D??(Bn y por Eva, porque $(D??(Bl quiere manifestar sus poderes de cada d$(D??(Ba en nuestras vidas, ya sea que todos vivamos en la tierra o en el cielo: en cualquier caso, $(D??(Bl quiere desplegar su amor asombroso que arde continuamente en su coraz$(D??(Bn por nosotros, perpetuamente.

Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial fallara en bendecirnos como $(D??(Bl lo desea siempre, en todo momento, porque Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva comieron del fruto prohibido que Lucifer lo destin$(D??(B para ellos, por medio de la serpiente antigua, para que coman de sus mentiras llenas de tinieblas y de maldiciones terribles de enfermedades, infecciones, pobreza y muerte, descendiendo al infierno, perpetuamente condenados. Por ende, al comer del pan y vino servido sobre la mesa del SE$(D??(BOR por su Hijo Jesucristo como su Santidad Personal en la tierra con las naciones y en el cielo con las huestes angelicales, entonces al comer con Dios, as$(D??(B como Abraham y sus hijos lo hicieron en su d$(D??(Ba: milagrosamente comeremos de la carne sagrada, derrotando as$(D??(B a Satan$(D??(Bs perpetuamente.

Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial descendi$(D??(B con su Hijo Jesucristo y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo no solamente para alimentar a Abraham y a su familia pero tambi$(D??(Bn a todas las familias de las naciones, el pan y vino de la carne sagrada y de la sangre reparadora de su Hijo Jesucristo, borrando as$(D??(B el fruto prohibido para derrotar a Satan$(D??(Bs, siempre. Nuestro Padre celestial derrot$(D??(B ya el pecado, la maldici$(D??(Bn, las enfermedades, la pobreza y la muerte de Satan$(D??(Bs al nacer su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que Abraham viva su vida llena de amor, paz, prosperidad y felicidad junto con sus hijos, empezando con Sarah, pero tambi$(D??(Bn las familias del mundo entero.

Por ende, fue la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial de tener a sus hijos bendecidos por $(D??(Bl mismo junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, invocando ellos la perfecta santidad, que descender$(D??(B instant$(D??(Bneamente del altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo, para cambiar su carne pecadora por la carne sagrada, enriquecida para recibir las bendiciones del Padre, siempre. De otra manera, nuestro Padre celestial fallara en bendecir a cualquiera de Israel y de las naciones, porque el convenio de vida que $(D??(Bl empez$(D??(B con Abraham junto con su esposa Sarah es de la carne sagrada introducida en el mundo, por el nacimiento de su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, manifestando abundantemente amor puro para salvar toda alma viviente del pecado, perpetuamente.

Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial pudo bendecir a Abraham, que $(D??(Bl mismo lo hizo el hombre m$(D??(Bs rico de la tierra en todos sus d$(D??(Bas, porque Abraham pod$(D??(Ba acumular cada bendici$(D??(Bn que descend$(D??(Ba abundantemente directamente de la gloria celestial: por ello, $(D??(Bl estaba siendo enriquecido cada d$(D??(Ba, por recibir la carne sagrada del convenio por medio de Isaac su hijo. Presentemente, lo que nuestro Padre celestial te pide que hagas fundamentalmente es lo mismo, as$(D??(B como Abraham lo hizo en sus d$(D??(Bas, y esto es de recibir la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que as$(D??(B entregarte cada bendici$(D??(Bn dada a los $(D??(Bngeles del cielo y para todos en la tierra que lo aman, por medio de su Hijo inmolado, $(D??(BJesucristo!

$(D??(Bste es el convenio de prosperidad que nuestro Padre celestial ha establecido con Abraham y con su familia y con todos los dem$(D??(Bs que quieran obedecer $(D??(Bste convenio, para que sus bendiciones desciendan sobre ti y los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades: porque $(D??(Bl quiere que todos conozcan que $(D??(Bl es el Dios del convenio activo, para con los que lo aman. Por eso, es que era importante para nuestro Padre celestial encontrarse con Abraham listo para sacrificar a su $(D??(Bnico hijo Isaac, el que $(D??(Bl ya hab$(D??(Ba empezado a amarlo junto con su esposa Sarah y los hijos adoptados, incluyendo a sus amistades de cerca y de lejos igualmente: porque Isaac fue su convenio de vida, que $(D??(Bl tenia que mantenerlo activo, siempre.

Nuestro Padre celestial tenia que verlo a Abraham poner a su hijo Isaac sobre el madero listo para arder como en un sacrificio eterno de vida, al derramar la sangre sobre el altar de madera: porque $(D??(Bl tenia que bendecirlo junto con toda su familia de hijos adoptados, para que todos ellos vivan sus vidas bendecidos desde el cielo cada d$(D??(Ba. Abraham hab$(D??(Ba sido llamado por nuestro Padre celestial ha hacer lo impensable, y esto es de ir m$(D??(Bs all$(D??(B de lo imposible, honrando su convenio de vida establecido con $(D??(Bl y con toda su casa, que vendr$(D??(Ba a ser tan larga y espaciosa como las estrellas del cielo e incontables hacia la eternidad: para disfrutar lo mejor de su vida maravillosa, siempre.

Abraham tenia que obedecer a nuestro padre celestial en todo en lo que hab$(D??(Ba sido llamado, y esto fue en creerle igualmente en lo impensable como sacrificar a alguien que hab$(D??(Ba amado en lo profundo de tu coraz$(D??(Bn y que jam$(D??(Bs lastimar$(D??(Ba aquella persona, ya que $(D??(Bsta persona es todo para $(D??(Bl en esta vida y en la venidera, y para siempre. Aqu$(D??(B, Abraham estaba caminando en el reino de lo imposible, porque nuestro Padre celestial tenia que encontrarse con $(D??(Bl ah$(D??(B y con su hijo Isaac, para que se lo ofrezca en un sacrificio encendido hacia la eternidad: porque el Padre lo necesitaba junto con su hijo amado a creer en $(D??(Bl en el reino de lo imposible, para hacerlo todo posible, siempre.

Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial le hab$(D??(Ba manifestado ya de que era imposible que su esposa Sarah tuviese un hijo, porque su vientre estaba est$(D??(Bril, sin embargo, obedeciendo su voz entonces hab$(D??(Ba recibido milagrosamente a su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac que lleva su nombre sant$(D??(Bsimo, y el amor prehist$(D??(Brico para amarlo, perpetuamente, entreg$(D??(Bndole as$(D??(B a muchos hijos a$(D??(Bn por nacer en generaciones futuras. Justamente, nuestro Padre celestial le hab$(D??(Ba manifestado a Abraham y a Sarah junto con todos de su casa, de que, por su Hijo Jesucristo haber nacido como Isaac, llevando su nombre y el amor puro para amarlo perpetuamente junto con sus hijos por nacer a$(D??(Bn, de que todo es posible: s$(D??(Blo, cuando $(D??(Bl es cre$(D??(Bdo en su convenio de la carne sagrada.

Adem$(D??(Bs, por razones de $(D??(Bste convenio de vida, que nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba empezado con Abraham, tendiendo a su hijo Isaac sobre el madero listo para arder apasionadamente, y $(D??(Bste es el fuego del amor prehist$(D??(Brico ardiendo perpetuamente, bautizando a todo creyente en el Padre capaz de convertir lo imposible en posible, para que toda vida sea bendecida milagrosamente, para siempre. Entonces Abraham alcanz$(D??(B lo inalcanzable, y esto fue de que $(D??(Bl vino a ser redimido milagrosamente, al cumplir con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos, que $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba recibido: empero, $(D??(Bl viv$(D??(Ba su vida con su esposa Sarah todos juntos con sus hijos adoptados como si los hubiese recibido divinamente as$(D??(B como los recibi$(D??(B Mois$(D??(Bs del Sina$(D??(B, posey$(D??(Bndolos Israel, perpetuamente.

Por ende, al Abraham encender el fuego ya que hab$(D??(Ba preparado la madera y a su $(D??(Bnico hijo Isaac que hab$(D??(Ba amado toda su vida as$(D??(B como jam$(D??(Bs am$(D??(B a nadie antes, adem$(D??(Bs de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces fue provisto con el cordero reemplazando a Isaac sobre el altar, para encender el sacrificio continuo. Instant$(D??(Bneamente, al nuestro Padre celestial hablarle a $(D??(Bl por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo desde el cielo, llam$(D??(Bndolo a que libere a su hijo, sin da$(D??(Barlo, entonces Abraham abandon$(D??(B la daga: porque ahora el cielo conoc$(D??(Ba de que $(D??(Bl jam$(D??(Bs le negar$(D??(Ba a su $(D??(Bnico hijo al Padre celestial, a$(D??(Bn sacrific$(D??(Bndolo si fuese necesario, para cumplir con toda verdad y justicia, siempre.

Milagrosamente, hab$(D??(Ba un cordero agarrado por los cuernos de dos $(D??(Brboles juntos que representaban a Ad$(D??(Bn y a Eva sobre el monte alto, ofreciendo al cordero para derramar la sangre reparadora por el pecado de haber comido del fruto prohibido, del cual nuestro Padre celestial les avis$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs comer de $(D??(Bl, porque morir$(D??(Ban si lo hac$(D??(Ban, pecando contra $(D??(Bl y la tierra. Visto que, Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva comieron del fruto prohibido, entonces ellos no solamente pecaron en contra del Padre, del Hijo Jesucristo y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, pero tambi$(D??(Bn en contra de toda la tierra: porque su mano llena del polvo, que visti$(D??(B el alma viviente que hab$(D??(Ba nacido de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, subi$(D??(B de la tierra.  

Por eso, es que la tierra se contamin$(D??(B con el pecado de Ad$(D??(Bn y de Eva, porque el polvo que visti$(D??(B sus almas vivientes se origin$(D??(B de la tierra, por ende todo reino animal fue contaminado igualmente con el pecado que hab$(D??(Ba contaminado la humanidad entera: por ello los animales se volvieron salvajes y violentos destruy$(D??(Bndose asimismo, y el hombre, cuando posible. Es decir, desde que Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva regresaron a la tierra despu$(D??(Bs de pecar en contra del Padre, al no comer del fruto de vida, que es la semejanza de la carne sagrada y de la sangre reparadora de su unig$(D??(Bnito, y que pudieron haber gustado de $(D??(Bl, si s$(D??(Blo com$(D??(Ban del pan y vino, entonces se convirtieron en comida para animales salvajes. 

Por eso, es que a veces hemos o$(D??(Bdo de gente que han sido devorados por animales salvajes, sean estos animales del campo abierto, oc$(D??(Banos, r$(D??(Bos, lagos o del aire, entonces es por el fruto prohibido que Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva comieron, contaminando el cuerpo humano de todo hombre, al nacer en la tierra del vientre de sus madres, por ejemplo. En otras palabras, los animales de los campos abiertos atacaran y continuaran siempre atacando a cualquier ser humano, porque pueden sentir el juicio de Dios en contra de la carne pecadora que hemos heredado de Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva: entonces el veredicto se llevara acabo, destruyendo no el alma viviente, pero si la carne pecadora, para cumplir con toda verdad y justicia finalmente.

De seguro, nuestro Padre celestial le dio a Mois$(D??(Bs sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, su nombre sant$(D??(Bsimo jam$(D??(Bs dado a nadie en la tierra, por ende, es el nombre m$(D??(Bs santo ardiendo sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con Isaac y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que Israel siempre tenga poder para escapar de todo juicio. Puesto que, $(D??(Bste es el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial que existe desde siempre sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, que no tiene principio ni fin en el cielo ni en la tierra como en Jerusal$(D??(Bn, Israel, para que su poder sant$(D??(Bsimo siempre est$(D??(B disponible para perd$(D??(Bn, sanidad, liberaci$(D??(Bn y salvaci$(D??(Bn para quienquiera en Israel y en todas las familias de las naciones.

$(D??(Bste es el nombre m$(D??(Bs santo de nuestro Padre celestial en el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con Isaac y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, que Dios mismo descendi$(D??(B para encontrarse con Mois$(D??(Bs y as$(D??(B entreg$(D??(Brselo para quienquiera en las familias de Israel lo posea divinamente, para escapar del mal que han sufrido por cuatrocientos a$(D??(Bos, de cautividad egipcia. Ahora, Satan$(D??(Bs los pod$(D??(Ba mantener en cautividad egipcia todo el tiempo en que ellos continuaban viviendo en la carne pecadora, porque fallaban en honrar el convenio de vida que hab$(D??(Ban establecido en Isaac sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el Moriah, para que vivan liberados de Satan$(D??(Bs y de sus maldades, y hasta que el reino de Dios venga. 

Los israelitas estaban supuestos ha honrar en sus vidas, aunque hayan ca$(D??(Bdos cautivos ante el Fara$(D??(Bn egipcio, el convenio de liberaci$(D??(Bn que Dios hab$(D??(Ba establecido ya con Abraham para que su familia viva bendecida abundantemente junto con sus hijos por nacer en generaciones futuras, puesto que, Dios mismo quisiera manifestar cada d$(D??(Ba sus copiosas riquezas y glorias en ellos, para siempre. Ya que, $(D??(Bsta era la manera en que $(D??(Bl quer$(D??(Ba ser conocido por las familias de las naciones como el Dios de un gran convenio de liberaci$(D??(Bn listo para bendecir no solamente a Abraham y a sus hijos, por nacer a$(D??(Bn como las estrellas incontables del cielo, pero tambi$(D??(Bn para bendecir cada d$(D??(Ba a todo creyente por toda la tierra, progresivamente.

Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial es un Dios de su palabra y que est$(D??(B listo no solamente para honrar su nombre bendito dado a Mois$(D??(Bs sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, para que Israel posea poderes, pero tambi$(D??(Bn $(D??(Bl est$(D??(B derramando su bendici$(D??(Bn cotidiana sobre sus muy amados, incluyendo a los hijos de las familias de las naciones, si s$(D??(Blo permanecen en su convenio. Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial introdujo en la familia de Abraham su convenio activo de grandes riquezas, que realmente es su Hijo Jesucristo, nacido del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que Abraham renazca de su imagen sobre el fuego de la misericordia, pero tambi$(D??(Bn sus hijos por nacer a$(D??(Bn, finalmente alcanzando salvaci$(D??(Bn para las naciones.  

Ya que, el convenio que nuestro Padre celestial estableci$(D??(B con Abraham y con sus hijos est$(D??(B all$(D??(B, ardiendo apasionadamente sobre el altar que empez$(D??(B con su hijo Isaac, tendido sobre el madero, y listo para ser sacrificado como la ofrenda encendido para el Padre celestial: y $(D??(Bsta es la carne sagrada que perdona, sana, libera, enriquece y salva el alma viviente del creyente. Ciertamente, no hay otro camino posible en la tierra ascendiendo por gradas, para que t$(D??(B entres en el convenio de la carne sagrada que est$(D??(B all$(D??(B, ardiendo, con el Padre celestial y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, esperando por cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba no solamente de Israel pero tambi$(D??(Bn de las naciones para ser enriquecido grandemente cada d$(D??(Ba, y para siempre.

Sin embargo, t$(D??(B perfectamente puedes entrar en el convenio de la carne sagrada, ardiendo apasionadamente con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Hijo Jesucristo en el amor prehist$(D??(Brico de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, descendido del cielo con Isaac cuando naci$(D??(B del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, $(D??(Bnicamente invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre dado inicialmente a Mois$(D??(Bs, cuando te sumerges en aguas abundantes, $(D??(Bbautiz$(D??(Bndote! Visto que, descendiendo en las aguas e invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre bendito y el de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces perfecta santidad har$(D??(B que la carne pecadora se desconecte de ti, dej$(D??(Bndote desnudo completamente para vestir la carne sagrada llena de las asombrosas bendiciones celestiales, para que las goces con los tuyos y amistades, siempre.

Evidentemente, bautiz$(D??(Bndote: e invocando la santidad de su nombre bendito y el de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, instant$(D??(Bneamente, t$(D??(B ser$(D??(Bs liberado de la carne pecadora en donde Satan$(D??(Bs reina aunque sea tu cuerpo propio de carne y de sangre, para que retomes milagrosamente de la carne sagrada, en donde nuestro Padre mismo reina con sus riquezas inagotables. Y, es aqu$(D??(B, en donde nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba tener a Abraham y a toda su familia, incluyendo a sus hijos por nacer en generaciones futuras e incontables como las estrellas del cielo, para que $(D??(Bl pueda reinar libremente con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo sobre ellos, bendici$(D??(Bndoles as$(D??(B cada d$(D??(Ba as$(D??(B como bendice a sus $(D??(Bngeles santos del reino.

No obstante, cuando t$(D??(B fallas en bautizarte e invocando su santidad perfecta de su nombre bendito y el de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces t$(D??(B fallaras igualmente de abandonar la carne pecadora en donde Satan$(D??(Bs continuara desafiando a toda verdad y a toda justicia para hacer que Dios se enoje contigo, y as$(D??(B mueras en tus pecados: perpetuamente condenado. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo ha tratado a trav$(D??(Bs del tiempo de hacer que Satan$(D??(Bs deje de reinar en tu vida as$(D??(B como hizo que deje de reinar en Abraham y en los suyos, bautiz$(D??(Bndolo milagrosamente sobre el altar de su amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo con Isaac y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo.

Presentemente, nuestro Padre celestial trabaja para que t$(D??(B te sumerjas en el agua, bautiz$(D??(Bndote, para $(D??(Bl poder hacer que Satan$(D??(Bs te abandone con todos sus $(D??(Bdolos y sus esp$(D??(Britus inmundos que siempre vienen con todo mal, para que $(D??(Bl deje de reinar en ti con sus problemas, dificultades, enfermedades, pobreza y muerte del infierno tormentoso para que no mueras jam$(D??(Bs, perpetuamente maldecido. Como siempre, nuestro Padre celestial desea que t$(D??(B goces de sus bendiciones cotidianas, que $(D??(Bl mismo les entrega fielmente a sus $(D??(Bngeles santos, y lo mismo $(D??(Bl har$(D??(B por ti y los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades de todas las naciones, porque $(D??(Bl te puso en la tierra para manifestar sus riquezas, glorias y poderes asombrosos sobre todo tu ser viviente.

Sin embargo, para que esto suceda en ti, entonces t$(D??(B tienes que hacer as$(D??(B como Abraham hizo antiguamente, y esto es de entrar en su convenio establecido ya con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, descendido del cielo no solamente para Abraham pero tambi$(D??(Bn para sus hijos y todas las familias de las naciones. Esto significa, que nuestro Padre celestial tiene a$(D??(Bn abundantemente de sus mismas bendiciones que $(D??(Bl le otorg$(D??(B inicialmente a Abraham, en todo momento, entonces para nuestros d$(D??(Bas $(D??(Bl est$(D??(B listo para entreg$(D??(Brtelos a ti igualmente: porque $(D??(Bl necesita enriquecer tu vida as$(D??(B como enriquece toda vida angelical, manifest$(D??(Bndoles a todos las abundantes glorias escondidas en su nombre sant$(D??(Bsimo, cuando es invocado. 

Puesto que, esto es exactamente lo que nuestro Padre celestial hizo por los profetas, cuando los enviaba para hacerle saber a Israel, de que ellos abandonaban su convenio establecido con Abraham y con su hijo Isaac para encender el fuego de su amor prehist$(D??(Brico que los bautizara con poderes asombrosos de su nombre bendito, para que vivan bendecidos por $(D??(Bl: $(D??(Bya bautizados! Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba que Israel sea conocido como la naci$(D??(Bn del convenio listo para bendecir a cada alma viviente de las naciones, es decir, si ellos son bautizados en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre y de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para que vivan sus vidas liberadas de todas las pobrezas de Satan$(D??(Bs.

Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial siempre tenia a sus profetas habl$(D??(Bndole a Israel constantemente, pero tambi$(D??(Bn estaban con ellos para bautizarlos en agua, invocando su nombre bendito y el de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo: porque es $(D??(Bnicamente por el bautismo en que pueden poseer la carne sagrada, abandonando la carne pecadora para el infierno, ya condenada, eternamente. Finalmente, nuestro Padre celestial env$(D????(B a El$(D??(Bas de regreso a Israel manifestado como Juan el Bautista, porque $(D??(Bl tenia que preparar la venida del Rey de Reyes y Se$(D??(Bor de Se$(D??(Bores, y $(D??(Bste fue su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como el hijo de David, de una de sus hijas v$(D??(Brgenes, para cumplir cabalmente con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los mandamientos de Israel. 

Ahora, Juan bautizaba a todos en Israel, incluyendo gentiles, para que no exista conflicto alguno al encontrarse con el Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo, manifest$(D??(Bndose como el Hijo de Dios, el Santo de Israel, y el Gran Rey Mes$(D??(Bas que venia a ellos para redimirlos con los poderes asombrosos del derramamiento de su sangre sobre la carne sagrada, establecida inicialmente con Abraham, para salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna. Ciertamente, que Juan tuvo que nacer meses antes del Santo de Israel, porque $(D??(Bl no solamente lleva el nombre bendito del Padre celestial, pero tambi$(D??(Bn la carne sagrada del convenio establecido con Abraham para derramar la sangre reparadora sobre sus hijos tendidos en el Valle de los huesos secos, resucit$(D??(Bndolos con grandes misericordias sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente, perpetuamente.

Adem$(D??(Bs, era importante para todos en Israel bautizarse ya sea por Juan o sus disc$(D??(Bpulos o por los ap$(D??(Bstoles y disc$(D??(Bpulos de Jesucristo, para que abandonen la carne pecadora debajo de las aguas que la tiran al infierno, visti$(D??(Bndose de la carne sagrada compatible con el Padre, el Hijo y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para perd$(D??(Bn, sanidad, enriquecimiento, y salvaci$(D??(Bn de sus almas vivientes. $(D??(Bste bautismo de agua era importante para todo Israel, y en nuestros d$(D??(Bas para cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de todas las familias de las naciones, porque el perd$(D??(Bn, los milagros, sanidades, liberaciones, prosperidad y salvaci$(D??(Bn son posibles en el convenio de la carne sagrada de Dios, para que la sangre derramada como su semilla limpie a todos del pecado, perpetuamente.

Por eso, es que su Hijo Jesucristo pudo hacer grandes milagros por todas partes de Israel: las familias israelitas eran liberadas del pecado, enfermedades, infecciones, posesiones diab$(D??(Blicas, y muchos resucitaron de la muerte, porque cre$(D??(Ban en la carne sagrada para salvaci$(D??(Bn, pactada inicialmente con Abraham y con su hijo Isaac sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, ardiendo apasionadamente sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn. Sin embargo, aquellos que fallaron en bautizarse en agua, porque no entendieron $(D??(Bste mandamiento directo del Padre celestial, y la importancia de cumplirlo, entonces continuaron caminando en la carne pecadora, oponi$(D??(Bndose siempre a la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo, en que Abraham pact$(D??(B inicialmente con Dios sobre el monte Si$(D??(Bn, cuando Isaac mismo lanz$(D??(B el sacrificio continuo hacia la eternidad. 

Por esta raz$(D??(Bn, su Hijo Jesucristo fue inhabilitado de ejecutar grandes milagros, milagros que $(D??(Bl pod$(D??(Ba ejecutar f$(D??(Bcilmente con las familias y amistades bautizadas ya en las aguas, al su nombre bendito ser invocado sobre ellos, para que la carne pecadora descienda hacia el infierno tormentoso, perdida perpetuamente, retomando as$(D??(B a la carne del convenio santo, destinada hacia el cielo, siempre. El liderazgo religioso que eran los muy conocidos Levitas sufr$(D??(Ba conflictos seguidos ante su Hijo Jesucristo, porque ellos intentaban conocer a su Hijo en la carne pecadora, es decir, que ellos fallaron en ser bautizados en agua, ignorando as$(D??(B completamente la voluntad del Padre: por ello, segu$(D??(Ban sufriendo siempre con la carne sagrada cuando se encontraban con el Santo de Israel.

Puesto que, $(D??(Bste es el convenio establecido inicialmente con Abraham sobre el altar del amor prehist$(D??(Brico, para $(D??(Bl y para su familia de generaciones venideras, y si ellos quer$(D??(Ban conocer al Padre celestial, a su Hijo Jesucristo y hasta el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces tendr$(D??(Ban todos que bautizarse, invocando su nombre todopoderoso, para vivir en la carne sagrada y sus grandes poderes insondables. En otras palabras, sin el bautismo en agua entonces t$(D??(B continuaras viviendo en la carne pecadora, en donde el Padre celestial no tiene ning$(D??(Bn convenio de responsabilidad con nadie: pero $(D??(Bnicamente en la carne sagrada es donde $(D??(Bl tiene su convenio de bendiciones cotidianas para contigo y los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades alrededor del mundo entero, para bendici$(D??(Bn, riquezas y salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna. 

Por ende, hoy debes de entrar en el convenio establecido ya por nuestro Padre celestial con Abraham, para que t$(D??(B vengas a ser un hombre de su convenio, o una mujer de su convenio, o un ni$(D??(Bo de su convenio, o una ni$(D??(Ba de su convenio todopoderoso, bautiz$(D??(Bndote en agua, e invocando su nombre alt$(D??(Bsimo, para que sus riquezas desciendan sobre ti, siempre.

Absolutamente, t$(D??(B tienes que bautizarte en agua para que los milagros, sanidades, prosperidad, poderes empiecen a descender sobre ti y en todo tu hogar, enriqueciendo as$(D??(B hasta tus amistades, porque $(D??(Bste es un convenio de vida y de bendiciones de grandes riquezas, que nuestro Padre celestial ha destinado con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo para que est$(D??(Bn contigo, siempre. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!


When Abraham and his son Isaac had reached the mountaintop that our heavenly Father had affirmed to him that He will show him, so he may lay down his only son over the altar where he will burn as holy sacrifice unto Him in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, then he took the wood and the fire to ignite it with love over it, perpetually. Abraham had believed our heavenly Father to do wonderful things in his life therefore he had the confidence built within his heart that what He was going to do with him and his son Isaac was beyond his dreams, that is why that he was ready to take his knife and cut his son as the lamb sacrifice of the day. 

Certainly, our heavenly Father was testing his faith that is why that He had personally taking him to Mount Zion, resting over Mount Moriah, so he will be the one arranging the wood and the fire that once is ignited over the altar that Abraham had never known until then, then this fire will burn forever with every one of his son$B!G(Bs baptism. However, Abraham failed to understand what our heavenly Father was ready to do with his life and that of his son Isaac, because he just followed Him all the way to the mountaintop to build the altar that He had always looked for until He found it in him (Abraham) His friend that was ready to execute His must breathtaking will. 

Our heavenly Father was ready to see if Abraham was ready to do the unthinkable although that he had received his son Isaac from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and now he had been called to execute him as a burnt sacrifice offering that will never cease to be on earth and in heaven$B!G(Bs new angelic kingdom, forever. Surely, our heavenly Father knew perfectly that the one that he had called to do His will and that he will never disappoint Him, because He knew how much faith Abraham had accumulated in his heart for Him, thus, he was ready to execute His will without complaining, and this was to destroy the one that he had learned to love dearly. 

Our heavenly Father had never called Abraham to do anything this hard for him and his wife Sarah, because of everything that he was called to do from heaven then he executed it without any complains therefore, without ever realizing it, he was being prepared by our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit to do the impossible. This will be something that lastly our heavenly Father will have to do not only to save him along with his wife Sarah from sin but also the children that will be born in the generations ahead, because what He will have to do to save them from sin, Satan, death and hell will be to execute His only begotten Son. 

Besides, this will be something that our heavenly Father will have to do thus to convert every man, woman and child not only born from Abraham$B!G(Bs family but also from the nations, because He could not allow Satan and his fallen angels to rule in the sinful-flesh that had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his 318 disciples that were his adoptive children bought from strangers thus giving them a family home with his wife Sarah, so they may together eat the bread and wine that is served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to the ones that love God, forever. 

For our heavenly Father needed to sit with Abraham and the children that he had bought with money from strangers, to give them not only the family home that they have lost to violence in their homeland, but also grant them the love that they searched for throughout the land, and found it only until they met Abraham and his loving-family. Abraham had true love for everyone$B!G(Bs life, and that is why that he was very especial in our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs heart thus to carry out His will over Jerusalem holy hill as he received His Son Jesus Christ born to him through Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs amazing powers, so His divine seed may flourish through the nations$B!G(B families. 

Our heavenly Father had in mind to save them, as Adam and Eve were deceived by Lucifer$B!G(Bs lies through the serpent of the Garden of Eden by eating from the forbidden fruit, so Adam$B!G(Bs heart and that of the children will fail to love God and His holy name forever in heaven$B!G(Bs glory and only continue to live knowing darkness, everlastingly. However, our heavenly Father had a wonderful Plan of Salvation that Satan failed to decipher, because it is as great and glorious as His loving great grace, great mercy, and eternal love along with divine justice in heaven$B!G(Bs glory and now throughout the families of the nations as well, since His only Son Jesus Christ had arrived on earth as Isaac. 

Our heavenly Father had introduced into the human spirit of Abraham$B!G(Bs family and thereof into every other family of the nations the Holy Spirit of His prehistoric love that has always existed within His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the created angelical nations that are with Him loving, serving and glorifying Him always. Our heavenly Father wanted to bless every man, woman and child from every family not only within Abraham$B!G(Bs family but also from all the families of the nations, because Satan was continuing to attack Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through them thus to hurt His very holy heart in the most wicked and inhumane way possible. 

Satan was out to revenge what our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit had done to him by casting him out along with his one-third of the fallen angels, from the heavenly places of eternal love, glory, peace and happiness that they will fail to know again anywhere else away from God$B!G(Bs holy amazing presence. Because, Satan knows what really is to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but he wanted all for him, so the angels will love, serve and worship him instead of the Creator of heaven and earth, however he failed miserably to attain this glory since it is impossible to steal it. 

Meaning that, if only our heavenly Father will grant it through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and this is exactly what He has done with Adam and every one born after him from Eve$B!G(Bs womb, because Adam and the children were born from His image to live in His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit. And this is what Lucifer was searching for in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, besides he thought it possible to possess it through the angelical beings, if he could get them to follow him thus to rebel against our heavenly Father and His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs likeness of the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood. 

That is why, that Satan through time he had fought to enthrone himself above our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name by defeating His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone bears His holy name in perfect holiness everlastingly, then if he could defeat him surely he has defeated God$B!G(Bs holy name, and that is why that he has steadily attacked on people everywhere. Now, Satan is successful in attacking people everywhere around the world because he managed to have Eve deceived along with Adam as well as both ate from the forbidden fruit that had contaminated our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy image in each one of us, and this is the sinful-flesh that has us attached to him always until we escape through water baptism. 

Given that, only through water baptism we can invoke His holy name and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, and so, by the amazing powers of the perfect holiness of the name invoked then we can become extremely holy before Satan and his sinful-flesh that he has to let go of us instantly to dress God$B!G(Bs glory, everlastingly. Besides, it is here were our heavenly Father can truly begin to bless us with His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs perfect holiness that can only descend directly into us from the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, so Satan can release us instantly. 

Otherwise, if Satan will fail to release us from his grip that he has on each one of us, because we are born by default from Adam and Eve$B!G(Bs sinful-flesh contaminated with the forbidden fruit that defies our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name every day, every afternoon and every evening and forevermore, then our heavenly Father will also fail to bless us. Our heavenly Father will love to bless each one of us these days as in day one as we were born from His image and from living-soul to live in His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs likeness of bearing His holy name forever in perfect sanctity throughout eternity, but, first He has to liberate us from Satan$B!G(Bs sin, curses and sinful-flesh, forever. 

That is why, that our heavenly Father gave birth to each one us in His image, born by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs amazing powers to live in His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs likeness that pleases truth and justice in heaven$B!G(Bs glory and on earth forever, so we may finally live blessed in His everlastingly glory manifested in us only as we love Him. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father gave birth to each one of us, beginning with Adam and Eve, because He wants to show His amazing every day power in our lives whether we live now on earth or in heaven, in either case He desires to display His amazing love that burns daily within His heart for us, everlastingly. 

However, our heavenly Father will fail to bless us as He will love to, because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that Lucifer destined to them from the old serpent, so they may eat his lies filled with darkness and the terrible curses of illness, diseases, poverty and death to descend into hell$B!G(Bs torment forever cursed into all eternity. That is why, that through eating from the bread and wine served at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table by His Son Jesus Christ as His Personal Righteousness on earth with humankind and in heaven$B!G(Bs glory with the angelical hosts, then by eating with Him, as Abraham and his children did, then we will be eating from His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh destined to defeat Satan, always. 

Besides, this is why our heavenly Father has descended with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to feed not just Abraham and his family but also every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations the bread and wine of His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood thus overriding the forbidden fruit, to defeat Satan, finally. Our heavenly Father has already defeated Satan$B!G(Bs sin, curses, infirmities, poverty and death with the birth of His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, so Abraham may live his life filled with love, peace, prosperity and happiness along with his children, beginning with Sarah his wife, but also everyone else from all the nations. 

Therefore, it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs will to have His children blessed by Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they may invoke His name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness that will descend instantly from the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above, thus to change their sinful-flesh for the enriched sacred-flesh that receives His blessings constantly. Otherwise, our heavenly Father will fail to bless any one throughout Israel and the families of the nations, because the covenant of life that He had started with Abraham along with his wife Sarah is of the sacred-flesh brought into the world by the birth of His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, manifesting the pure love that saves every living-soul from sin, forever. 

That is why, that our heavenly Father was able to bless Abraham greatly that He made him the richest man on earth in those days, because Abraham was able to accumulate every blessing that descended abundantly directly from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, therefore, he was been blessed day-in and day-out, because he had received the sacred-flesh through his only son Isaac. Therefore, what our heavenly Father is asking you to do is fundamentally the same, as Abraham did in his days, and this is to receive the sacred-flesh directly from His Son Jesus Christ, so He may be able to deliver to you every blessing delivered to the angels in heaven$B!G(Bs glory and to anyone on earth loving Him through His immolated Son. 

This is the covenant of prosperity that our heavenly Father had established with Abraham and his family and anyone else willing to abide by it for His daily blessing to descend upon you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because He wants everyone knowing everywhere that He is a covenant God with those loving Him. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to meet Abraham ready to kill his only son Isaac, the one that he had learned to love along with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children, including their friends nearby and far away as well, because this is a covenant of life that he had to abide by it constantly. 

Our heavenly Father had to see him place his only son Isaac over the wood ready to be burned as an eternal sacrifice of life by shedding his blood over the same wood, because he needed to bless along with his entire family of adoptive children so they may live every day of their entire lives blessed from heaven above. Abraham had been called by our heavenly Father to do the unthinkable, and this is to go beyond what is impossible to honor His covenant of life established with him and his entire household that would become as large and spacious as the stars from heaven above that are countless into eternity thus to enjoy the best of heaven$B!G(Bs eternal life, perpetually. 

Abraham had to obey our heavenly Father in everything that he had been called, and this was to believe also in the unthinkable as to sacrifice someone that you have loved from the deepest of your heart and that you will never hurt that one, because that one means everything to you in this life and in the next one to come. Here, Abraham was walking in the realm of the impossible because our heavenly Father needed to meet him there with his only son Isaac, so he may offer him as a burnt offering lasting into everlasting, because He needed him along with his loving child to believe in Him this time in the realm of the impossible to become possible, miraculously. 

Besides, our heavenly Father had shown him already that it was impossible for his wife Sarah to have a child, because her womb was sterile, however, by obeying His voice then he had received His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac bearing His holy name, and the prehistoric love to love it, everlastingly along with the given children yet to be born. Surely, our heavenly Father had manifested to Abraham and his wife Sarah along with everyone else within his household that by His Son Jesus Christ been born as Isaac, bearing His holy name and the pure love to love it everlastingly along with his children coming in the generations ahead that everything is possible: only when He is believed in His covenant-flesh. 

Furthermore, because of this covenant of life that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham as he lay down his only son Isaac over the wood ready to burn passionately, and this is the fire of the prehistoric love burning everlastingly baptizing everyone that believes in Him capable of converting the impossible into possible, so anyone$B!G(Bs life may be blessed miraculously, always. Then Abraham reached the unreachable, and this was that he became saved by fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commands that he had never received, however, he lived his life with his wife Sarah along with the adoptive children as he had received them from God as Moses did in his days over Mount Sinai for Israel to possess it, perpetually. 

Therefore, as Abraham started the fire because he had prepared the wood and his only child Isaac that he had learned to love his entire life as he has never loved anyone before, besides our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then he was provided the lamb replacing Isaac over the altar to become the burn offering. Instantly, as our heavenly Father spoke to him through His Son Jesus Christ from heaven above calling him to release the lad, then Abraham retrieved his dagger to put it away, because now heaven knew that he will never withhold his only son from our heavenly Father, but offer him over the altar, if necessary, to please truth and justice, always. 

Thus, there was a lamb caught by the horn from two trees representing Adam and Eve over the mountaintop, offering the lamb to shed the atoning-blood for their sin to have eaten from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned them never to eat from it, because they will die if they ate it, sinning against Him and earth. Inasmuch as, Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit then they did not only sin against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also against the earth, because the handful of dust that was taken to dress their living souls that had emerged from His image and living-soul were from the earth$B!G(Bs dust. 

That is why, that the entire earth became contaminated with Adam$B!G(Bs sin along with Eve, because the dust that dresses their living souls originated to the earth$B!G(Bs dust, therefore the entire animal kingdoms were also contaminated with the same sin that had contaminated humankind thus the animals became wild and violent to destroy each other and men, whenever possible. That is, that since Adam and Eve returned to earth after they had both sinned against our heavenly Father by failing to eat first from the fruit of life that is His Son$B!G(Bs likeness of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that they could have perfectly enjoyed if they just ate his bread and wine, then they became food for wild beasts. 

That is why, that sometimes we have heard of people been devoured by wild beast, whether these are beasts from the opened fields, oceans, rivers, lakes or from the air above, then it is because of the forbidden fruit that they had received from Adam and Eve as they were born on earth from their mother$B!G(Bs womb. In other words, the animals of the opened fields will attack and continue on their attacks against any human being on earth because they can sense God$B!G(Bs judgment pronounced against the sinful-flesh that we are dressing from Adam and Eve, so judgment will finally be fulfilled to destroy not the living-soul but the sinful-flesh for truth and justice to prevail always. 

For sure, our heavenly Father granted to Moses over Mount Zion, resting over Mount Sinai, His holy name never given to anyone else on earth, therefore it is the holiest name burning over the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, so power may be available always for Israel to escape judgments. For this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holiest name that it has always existed within His altar of the prehistoric love that has no beginning much less an end in heaven and on earth these days in Jerusalem, Israel, so His power may be always available for forgiveness, healing, deliverance and salvation for every one within Israel and the families of the nations. 

This is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holiest name within His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit that He personally descended to meet Moses thus to deliver it to Israel for everyone within their families may possess it rightfully thus to escape from the evil that they had suffered for four-hundred years of captivity. Now, Satan could hold them in captivity within Egypt as long as they will continue to live in the sinful-flesh that they had because they had failed to honor the covenant of life that He had already established with Isaac over Mount Zion, resting over Mount Moriah, so they may live liberated from Satan and his wilds on earth until kingdom come. 

The Israelites were supposed to honor within their lives, despite the fact that they had fallen captives to Pharaoh in Egypt, the covenant of deliverance that He had already established with Abraham for his family to be blessed along with the children that were to come in the generations ahead, for He wanted to show His richness and glory in them always. For this is the way that our heavenly Father wanted to be known by the families of the nations that He is a God of a great covenant of freedom ready to bless not only Abraham and his children to be born countless as the stars from heaven above, but also He was ready to bless every one else on earth. 

Surely, our heavenly Father is a God of His living word that He is ready not only to honor His holy name given to Moses over His altar of the prehistoric love, for Israel to possess great powers, but also He is pouring His every day blessing from heaven above upon His loved ones, including the children of the nations$B!G(B families. That is why, that our heavenly Father had introduced into Abraham$B!G(Bs family His living covenant of divine-richness that really is His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, so Abraham may become reborn within His image over the fire of mercy but also the children to come finally reaching the families of the nations with lasting salvation. 

For the covenant that our heavenly Father established with Abraham and the children is there burning wildly over the altar started by him and his son Isaac lying over the wood ready to be sacrificed as an eternal burnt offering unto our Father in heaven, and this is the sacred-flesh that forgives, heals, delivers, enriches and saves the living-soul of the believer. Certainly, there is not a way possible on earth to ascend to it by steps, for you to enter into this covenant of the sacred-flesh that it is there with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit waiting for every man, woman and child not only from Israel but from the families of the nations as well thus to become daily blessed. 

However, you may only enter into this covenant of the sacred-flesh burning wildly with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac as he was born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by invoking the perfect holiness of His name given initially to Moses, as you descend into the abundant waters for baptism. Provided that, descending into the waters by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son and of the Holy Spirit, then holiness will cause the sinful-flesh to depart from you, leaving you naked to dress with the sacred-flesh filled with amazing blessings from heaven above, for you to enjoy with your loved ones and friends, always. 

Certainly, as you are baptized in water by invoking our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holiness of His name and that of His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, instantly, you will become liberated from the sinful-flesh where Satan rules over it although it is your body of flesh and blood, so you may take on the sacred-flesh where God rules progressively with amazing richness. It is here, where our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham and his entire family, including the children that were to become born in the generations ahead, so He may rule with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to pour His every day blessing that He grants always to His holy angels and to everyone else on earth. 

However, when you failed to get baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, then you will fail also to abandon the sinful-flesh where Satan will continue to defy truth and justice thus to anger God against you, so you may finally die in your sins damned. Moreover, our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit has tried through time to stop Satan from ruling in you just as He stopped Satan from ruling in Abraham$B!G(Bs life and that of his loved ones in those days, by baptizing him over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit. 

Today, our heavenly Father is trying very hard every day to get you into His water baptism so He may finally get rid of Satan and his idols along with the wicked spirits that come along with them, so he may cease to rule in your life with his problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty and death in hell$B!G(Bs torment to die forever cursed. Currently, our heavenly Father wants you to enjoy His daily blessing that He personally grants to His holy angels, and the same He will love to do for you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because He gave birth to you to manifest His richness, glories and amazing powers through your every day life on earth. 

However, for this to take place in your daily life then you must do as Abraham did in his days, and this is to enter into His covenant established with His Son and the Holy Spirit over the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above not just for him but also for his children and the families of the nations. This means that our heavenly Father has the same blessings that He personally granted to Abraham then these days He is ready to grant them to you as well, because He needs to enrich your life just as He daily enriches the lives of the angelical nations in heaven$B!G(Bs glory thus to show everyone the abundant hidden glories of His holy name. 

For this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with His prophets as He sent them to let Israel know that they were abandoning His covenant established with Abraham and his only son Isaac thus to start the fire of the prehistoric love that will baptize them with amazing powers from His holy name, so they may live blessed for Him always. For our heavenly Father needed Israel to be known as the nation of His covenant that is ready to bless anyone on earth, that is, if they only get baptized in water as they may invoke the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son and of the Holy Spirit, so they may live their lives liberated from Satan$B!G(Bs poverty. 

That is why, that our heavenly Father had His prophets speaking to Israel constantly, but also they were there to baptize them in water, by invoking His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, because it is only through baptism that they may enter into the sacred-flesh, abandoning Satan$B!G(Bs sinful-flesh into hell$B!G(Bs torment forever cursed. Finally, our heavenly Father sent Elijah back into Israel manifested as John the Baptize, because he had to prepare the coming of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and this was His Son Jesus Christ born as the Son of David, from one of his virgin daughters, so he may fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments for Israel. 

Now, John had to baptize everyone possible within Israel, including the gentiles, so there would be no conflict as they met our Lord Jesus Christ manifesting himself as God$B!G(Bs Son, The Holy One of Israel, and the King Messiah that had come to save them by the amazing working-powers of shedding his atoning-blood from his sacred-flesh established initially with Abraham for salvation. Indeed, John had to be born few months ahead of The Holy One of Israel, because he beards not only our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name but also the sacred-flesh covenanted with Abraham thus to shed timely the atoning-blood over Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones to resurrect to life instantly over the altar of the prehistoric love. 

Besides, it was important for everyone within Israel to get baptized either by John and his disciples or by His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs apostles and disciples, so the people may abandon the sinful-flesh under the water to take on the sacred-flesh that is compatible with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for forgiveness, healing, and salvation to be possible. This water baptism was very important for everyone within Israel, and in our days for every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, because our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs forgiveness, miracles, healing, deliverance, prosperity and lasting salvation are only possible with the covenant of the sacred-flesh, so the atoning-blood shed that is His seed may cleanse every one from sin, forever. 

That is why, that His Son Jesus Christ was able to perform many miracles wherever he went throughout Israel, the Israeli families were delivered from sin, sickness, diseases, demonic possession, and even many were raised from the dead, because they believed in the sacred-flesh for salvation, covenanted initially with Abraham over the altar of the prehistoric love burning passionately over Mount Zion. However, those that failed to get baptized in water, because they failed to understand this direct command from our heavenly Father and the importance to execute it timely, then they continued to walk in the sinful-flesh that conflicted with His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh that Abraham had covenanted initially with our heavenly Father over Mount Zion as Isaac prepared to be sacrificed. 

For this reason, His Son Jesus Christ was unable to execute the great miracles that he was able to perform with those families and friends that were baptized already by submerging in the water as the holiness of the name was invoked for the sinful-flesh to sink into hell$B!G(Bs torment thus to take on the sacred-flesh that is heavenly bound always. The religious leaders that were the well-known Levites conflicted repeatedly before His Son Jesus Christ, because they were trying to get to know His Son in the sinful-flesh, that is to say, that they failed to get baptized in water, disregarding God$B!G(Bs will completely, and so, they conflicted with the sacred-flesh whenever they met him as the Holy One of Israel. 

For this is the covenant established initially with Abraham over the altar of the prehistoric love, for him and his family coming in the generations ahead that if they wanted to meet our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then they must become baptized in water by invoking His holy name to stand in the sacred-flesh with divine-powers. In other word, without the water baptism then you will continue to live in the sinful-flesh where our heavenly Father has no covenant established with it at all, but only in His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh is where He has established an everlasting covenant of every day blessing for you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, forever. 

Therefore, these days you must enter into the covenant established already by our heavenly Father with Abraham, so you may become a man of His covenant, a woman of His covenant, and a child of His covenant by been baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, for His daily blessed richness to descend upon you timely, as always. 

Indisputably, you must be baptized in water for miracles, healing, prosperity, powers to begin to pour upon you and into your household, even enriching your friends every day, because this is the covenant of life and blessing of every day richness that our heavenly Father had designed with His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to be with you always. Amen! 

$(D??(BCultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!

Saludos cordiales a todos

D$(D??(Bgale al Se$(D??(Bor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo coraz$(D??(Bn, en el nombre del Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Se$(D??(Bor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo, tambi$(D??(Bn, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado, nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo.


Padre nuestro que est$(D??(Bs en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de tu nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo as$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn en la tierra. El pan nuestro de cada d$(D??(Ba, d$(D??(Bnoslo hoy. Perd$(D??(Bnanos nuestras deudas, como tambi$(D??(Bn nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos metas en tentaci$(D??(Bn, mas l$(D??(Bbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Am$(D??(Bn. 

Porque si perdon$(D??(Bis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial tambi$(D??(Bn os perdonar$(D??(B a vosotros. Pero si no perdon$(D??(Bis a los hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonar$(D??(B vuestras ofensas.

Por lo tanto, el Se$(D??(Bor Jes$(D??(Bs dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD, y la VIDA ETERNA; nadie PUEDE VENIR al PADRE SANTO, sino es POR M$(D??$B!I(B. Juan 14:


$(D??(BCONF$(D??(BA EN JES$(D??(BS HOY! 



- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de $(D??(Bste MUNDO y su MUERTE.

Disp$(D??(Bnte a dejar el pecado (arrepi$(D??(Bntete):

Cree que Jesucristo muri$(D??(B por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d$(D??(Ba por el Poder Sagrado del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y deja que entr$(D??(B en tu vida y sea tu $(D??(BNICO SALVADOR Y SE$(D??(BOR EN TU VIDA.

QUIZ$(D??(B TE PREGUNTES HOY: $(D??(BQUE ORAR? O $(D??(BC$(D??(BMO ORAR? O $(D??(BQU$(D??(B DECIRLE AL SE$(D??(BOR SANTO EN ORACI$(D??(BN? -HAS LO SIGUIENTE, y di: Dios m$(D??(Bo, soy un pecador y necesito tu perd$(D??(Bn. Creo que Jesucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi coraz$(D??(Bn y a mi vida, como mi SALVADOR.

$(D??(BAceptaste a Jes$(D??(Bs, como tu Salvador?  $(D??(BS$(D??(B _____?  O $(D??(BNo _____?

$(D??(BFecha? $(D??(BS$(D??(B ____?  O $(D??(BNo _____?

Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva maravillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:

Lee la Biblia cada d$(D??(Ba para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, orando todos los d$(D??(Bas en el nombre de JES$(D??(BS. Baut$(D??(Bzate en AGUA y en El ESP$(D??(BRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, re$(D??(Bnete y sirve con otros cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los dem$(D??(Bs.

Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que los hermanos Pentecost$(D??(Bs o pastores del evangelio de Jes$(D??(Bs te recomienden leer y te ayuden a entender m$(D??(Bs de Jes$(D??(Bs y de su palabra sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos est$(D??(Bn disponibles en gran cantidad en diferentes temas, en tu librer$(D??(Ba cristiana inmediata a tu barrio, entonces visita a las librer$(D??(Bas cristianas con frecuencia, para ver que clase de libros est$(D??(Bn a tu disposici$(D??(Bn, para que te ayuden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.

Te doy las gracias por leer m$(D??(B libro que he escrito para ti, para que te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y as$(D??(B comiences a crecer en $(D??(Bl, desde el d$(D??(Ba de hoy y para siempre.

El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal$(D??(Bn d$(D??(Ba a d$(D??(Ba y sin cesar, en nuestras oraciones. Porque $(D??(Bsta es la tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvaci$(D??(Bn eterna de nuestras almas vivientes. Y nos dice Dios mismo, en su Esp$(D??(Britu Eterno: $B!H(BVivan tranquilos los que te aman.  Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y tranquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusal$(D??(Bn$B!I(B. Por causa de mis hermanos y de mis amigos, dir$(D??(B yo: $B!H(BHaya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal$(D??(Bn$B!I(B. Por causa de la casa de Jehov$(D??(B nuestro Dios, en el cielo y en la tierra: implorar$(D??(B por tu bien, por siempre. 

El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Esp$(D??(Britu de Dios a toda la humanidad, dici$(D??(Bndole y asegur$(D??(Bndole: - Qu$(D??(B todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehov$(D??(B de los Ej$(D??(Brcitos, $(D??(Bel Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo coraz$(D??(Bn, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre: gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.






http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1





