Pitagora Switch fascinated not only children and their parents, but
also people of all, really all ages. I, 28-year-old grad student, also
recorded every aircast to tivo last year... My friends of over age 30,
or even my mother, love the program.

flothru wrote:
> That's just "Arugorizumu Taisou" and this is the ninja one ... as 
> opposed to the Kyoto geisha one, or the MSDF crew one, or the Honda 
> racing team one, or the Jublio Iwata (soccer team) one or ...

I remember QRIO(SONY's electronic gnome)'s one.

> Any parent of a small child sees it twice a day on the NHK Education 
> channel.  It comes on just after "Pitagura Suichi."

Well, to be correct, "Algorithm Taiso" is a part of "Pitagora Switch",
as well as "Pitagora Souchi". You might know it as "Japanese Rube
Goldberg Machine" at the first place of Google Video ranking.

--OTA Takashi