(IV$(D??(BN): El PADRE clavado a CANA$(D??(BN con ISRAEL: bendice a familias mundialmente con amor, sanidad, santidad y riquezas inagotables diariamente y siempre:
S$(D??(Bbado, 20 de Febrero, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
El PADRE clavado a CANA$(D??(BN con ISRAEL: bendice a familias mundialmente con amor, sanidad, santidad y riquezas inagotables diariamente y siempre:
El d$(D??(Ba hab$(D??(Ba llegado, para nuestro Padre celestial empezar una nueva Creaci$(D??(Bn, en donde $(D??(Bl podr$(D??(B vivir con sus hijos nacidos de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, para vivir con ellos: amando, sirviendo y exaltando su santo nombre fuegos toda una eternidad: conquistando nuevas riquezas, glorias y poderes jam$(D??(Bs tocadas por el pecado para siempre. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vivir su vida eterna, que siempre ha amado a su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo junto con sus $(D??(Bngeles por una eternidad, pero ahora, $(D??(Bl necesitaba vivirla con sus hijos nacidos de $(D??(Bl en el para$(D??(Bso, como Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva junto con sus hijos en la tierra, porque $(D??(Bl necesita aun conquistar riquezas asombrosas de su coraz$(D??(Bn $(D??(Bltimamente.
Esta riqueza, que nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha conocido en la tierra con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, pero $(D??(Bl $(D??(Bnicamente la pod$(D??(Ba vivir junto con nuevas glorias, poderes y bendiciones asombrosas bendiciendo a sus hijos nacidos de $(D??(Bl junto con sus $(D??(Bngeles fieles a $(D??(Bl y a su santo nombre fuegos para siempre. Glorias, poderes, bendiciones y riquezas insondables siempre existiendo en su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, realmente, goz$(D??(Bndolas grandemente con su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y sus $(D??(Bngeles fieles a $(D??(Bl y a su santo nombre fuegos sobre su altar glorioso hasta que pecado y rebeli$(D??(Bn de Lucifer junto con un tercio de $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos interfiri$(D??(B en contra de $(D??(Bl con su maldad en su reino angelical.
Verdaderamente, glorias, poderes y asombrosas riquezas que nuestro Padre celestial amar$(D??(Ba gozarlas grandemente con sus $(D??(Bngeles fieles a $(D??(Bl junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, pero s$(D??(Blo hasta que Lucifer pec$(D??(B, entonces todos fueron expulsados de su presencia, d$(D??(Bndole vida a sus hijos de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima para vivir riquezas de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo $(D??(Bltimamente toda una eternidad. Ciertamente, glorias, poderes y riquezas interminables que nuestro Padre celestial le hubiese gustado gozarlas con sus $(D??(Bngeles fieles a $(D??(Bl junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, pero $(D??(Bl fue detenido por pecados y rebeli$(D??(Bn de Lucifer y de huestes angelicales sigui$(D??(Bndole a $(D??(Bl, pecando sobre su santo nombre fuegos, que $(D??(Bl tuvo que darte vida a ti junto con tus amados inmediatamente.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba que darte vida a ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, porque nosotros nacimos am$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl y a su santo nombre fuegos junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque Lucifer y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos fallaban en amar y en entender su santo nombre por una eternidad—por ello, te llam$(D??(B. Si la verdad se dijera hoy, entonces nosotros entender$(D??(Bamos que solamente nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu realmente entienden su santo nombre fuegos, porque huestes angelicales hasta hoy han fallado en entenderlo, visto que Lucifer y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos pecaron, rebel$(D??(Bndose en contra de $(D??(Bl, tratando de retenerlo con ellos, ofendiendo as$(D??(B al SE$(D??(BOR y a su Hijo infinitamente.
Esa es la verdad, huestes angelicales hasta hoy en d$(D??(Ba han fallado en entender el santo nombre fuegos de nuestro Padre celestial sobre su altar sant$(D??(Bsimo, que nosotros conocemos perfectamente ser el monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque este es el lugar que $(D??(Bl escogido desde la fundaci$(D??(Bn del mundo, clavarlo a ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades para la eternidad venidera. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba crear cielo y tierra, en donde $(D??(Bl nacer$(D??(Ba con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo como Isaac, para $(D??(Bl tener a sus hijos en su familia divina en la tierra, naciendo para amarlo a $(D??(Bl junto con su santo nombre fuegos, porque $(D??(Bl realmente necesita que sus hijos lo conozcan, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo conoce en la eternidad.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial cre$(D??(B cielo y tierra, para que sus hijos nazcan de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, finalmente para tenerlos a ellos conociendo su santo nombre fuegos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl siempre: conquistando nuevas riquezas, glorias, poderes y bendiciones interminables, enriqueciendo as$(D??(B su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo en su pecho, pero igualmente en el pecho de sus hijos, conoci$(D??(Bndolo y am$(D??(Bndolo toda una eternidad. Es decir, si nuestro Padre celestial lo logra todo, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl quiere por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, $(D??(Bl te tendr$(D??(B a ti amando y conociendo su santo nombre fuegos sobre su monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo lo ha amado y lo ha conocido en la eternidad.
Visto que, esta es verdadera alegr$(D??(Ba de tu coraz$(D??(Bn, de tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, finalmente para amar, conocer y alabar su santo nombre fuegos sobre su monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque est$(D??(B clavado a su cruz para la eternidad, que eres t$(D??(B junto con Israel y las naciones, conoci$(D??(Bndolo enteramente con sus riquezas cotidianas toda una eternidad entera. En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial ha creado cielo y tierra no para Satan$(D??(Bs y sus familias brujas, haciendo brujer$(D??(Bas diariamente sobre sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, m$(D??(Bs bien, $(D??(Bl ha creado su nuevo reino de amor eterno para sus hijos amar y conocer su santo nombre fuegos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl siempre lo ama y lo conoce hasta nuestros d$(D??(Bas.
Esta es la nueva tierra, en donde nuestro Padre celestial finalmente tiene a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo viviendo en cada hijo suyo de Israel y de las familias las perfectas glorias, riquezas y poderes de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo solamente para amar, servir y honrar su santo nombre fuegos, que conquistara nuevas riquezas nunca antes vistas por ninguno hasta hoy. Realmente glorias abundantes con poderes y riquezas sin fin, naciendo del coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial en la eternidad venidera para su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo junto con sus hijos gozarlas en su nueva tierra, pero empez$(D??(Bndolo todo en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque esta tierra santa jam$(D??(Bs conoci$(D??(B pecado hasta hoy, visto que es imposible que exista en $(D??(Bl y en la eternidad celestial.
Por eso, cada vez que un hijo suyo de Israel y de las familias de las naciones es bautizado por el bautismo en agua, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, aquella persona es renacida en Cana$(D??(Bn para ser su hijo vestido con su semilla santa, que es la carne sin pecados de Isaac perpetuamente. Esto tambi$(D??(Bn significa, que la voluntad perfecta de nuestro Padre celestial es finalmente en la tierra, porque la persona estar$(D??(B vestida de su semilla santa, nacida de $(D??(Bl, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, teni$(D??(Bndola t$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn contigo hoy, en donde $(D??(Bl har$(D??(B milagros que t$(D??(B necesitaras junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, as$(D??(B como su voluntad es en el cielo con sus $(D??(Bngeles para siempre.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial empezara a vivir y a crecer en ti enteramente, porque bautiz$(D??(Bndote en agua, entonces, t$(D??(B ser$(D??(Bs su semilla santa, que es su carne sagrada sin pecados, para que sus palabras de vida de su Juramento a Isaac empiecen a lograr milagros en ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades de alrededor del mundo, glorificando as$(D??(B su santo nombre fuegos siempre. Ciertamente, es importante que t$(D??(B seas bautizado en agua, para que nuestro Padre celestial crezca en ti con sus poderes asombrosos del Juramento a Isaac, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl pueda lograr sus asombrosos milagros cotidianos para ti y para los dem$(D??(Bs, ayud$(D??(Bndote cada d$(D??(Ba a amar, a servir y finalmente a conocer su santo nombre fuegos sobre su monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn.
Adem$(D??(Bs, esto es gloriosa riqueza cotidiana, que empezara a derramarse sobre ti y tus amados, porque nuestro Padre celestial necesita bendecirte a ti ricamente con sus poderes asombrosos de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, tocando a tus vecinos y amistades de todas partes, para glorias asombrosas de su santo nombre fuegos llenando la tierra entera siempre con ellas, empezando en Cana$(D??(Bn contigo—su dulce hogar. Realmente, t$(D??(B solamente conocer$(D??(Bs a nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo con su santo nombre fuegos, clavado a la cruz sobre el monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque esta es su tierra santa, sin haber conocido jam$(D??(Bs pecado alguno hasta hoy—lo que si ha habido all$(D??(B siempre, han sido familias brujas (no hebreas), sirvi$(D??(Bndole a Satan$(D??(Bs para maldecirla con maldiciones terribles.
Sin embargo, la verdad es que Cana$(D??(Bn es sin pecado desde siempre, porque nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Abraham viendo a ella con su esposa Sarah sin darle un hijo jam$(D??(Bs, aun as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo de ella como Isaac para que Jacobo y los hijos prometidos sean la primera naci$(D??(Bn sin pecados entre naciones de la tierra entera siempre. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl tener a Abraham viviendo en su carne sin pecados, quitando el pecado de su vida, adem$(D??(Bs, llamarlo a $(D??(Bl al monte Sion, sobre el Moriah, con su $(D??(Bnico hijo amado Isaac para declararlo: perfecto y santo para la eternidad venidera.
Considerando que, si nuestro Padre celestial logr$(D??(B que Abraham viviese con su Hijo Jesucristo, naciendo del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, entonces, $(D??(Bl perfectamente vivi$(D??(B su vida en Cana$(D??(Bn luego tuvo a Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israelitas en Cana$(D??(Bn, como padres de las doce tribus israelitas, mientras sus hijos por cuatro siglos recog$(D??(Ban pecados del mundo entero, bautiz$(D??(Bndose en el Mar Rojo finalmente. Sin embargo, visto que nuestro Padre celestial logr$(D??(B tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn, entonces, $(D??(Bl logr$(D??(B tener a Jacobo junto con los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes, como padres de las doce tribus de Israel siempre viviendo en Cana$(D??(Bn, mientras sus hijos por cuatrocientos a$(D??(Bos recog$(D??(Ban pecados para el bautismo final del Mar Rojo—liberando la humanidad entera del mal eterno finalmente.
Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba tener no solamente a su Hijo Jesucristo en Canana como Isaac con Abraham, Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesitaba que ellos permanezcan perfectos y santos en Cana$(D??(Bn ante $(D??(Bl y sus $(D??(Bngeles fieles a su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte Sion, mientras Israel enteramente enfrentaba a enemigos para destruir el pecado en el Mar Rojo. Verdaderamente, esta fue perfecta santidad para nuestro Padre celestial, porque $(D??(Bl tenia a su Hijo Jesucristo viviendo en Cana$(D??(Bn como Isaac para Abraham, Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes, mientras los hijos, como su naci$(D??(Bn santa, luchaba sobre poderes malvados para recoger pecados de las familias de las naciones ya casi todas yaciendo en el infierno tormentoso por no haberse bautizado jam$(D??(Bs en agua.
Definitivamente, para nuestro Padre celestial fue importante, que su Hijo Jesucristo permanezca con Abraham, Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes en Cana$(D??(Bn, en donde el pecado falla en existir toda una eternidad, mientras los hijos israelitas viv$(D??(Ban en el cautiverio egipcio para recoger tus pecados y los de tus amados, vecinos y amistades, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl finalmente descender hacia ti $(D??(Bltimamente con asombrosas riquezas cotidianas. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba bendecirte a ti, pero en Cana$(D??(Bn, en donde no hay pecado, aunque Satan$(D??(Bs ha tenido siempre sus familias haciendo brujer$(D??(Bas diariamente, enga$(D??(Bando a Israel, como siempre, pero igualmente a familias de las naciones, haci$(D??(Bndolas vivir en sus cegueras espirituales, enga$(D??(Bados por sus mentiras, sin jam$(D??(Bs conocer que ellos ya han sido bendecidos con grandes riquezas en Cana$(D??(Bn.
Verdaderamente, t$(D??(B has nacido de la imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima con grandes riquezas, manifest$(D??(Bndose en tu diario vivir en la tierra, pero desde Cana$(D??(Bn, como en tu tierra natal, en donde t$(D??(B naciste con tus amados, para seguirse manifestando tus riquezas en d$(D??(Bas largos y eternos de la eternidad, dado que, desde Cana$(D??(Bn t$(D??(B estar$(D??(Bs encaminado hacia la gloria celestial, eternamente enriquecido. Por lo tanto, bautizado en agua, entonces, t$(D??(B renacer$(D??(Bs en Cana$(D??(Bn, uni$(D??(Bndote al cuerpo glorificado de Isaac, Abraham, Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes junto con sus hijos que vivieron en el cautiverio egipcio, destruyendo tus pecados y de tus amados igualmente, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B tengas vida abundantemente en estos d$(D??(Bas, enriquecidos diariamente desde Cana$(D??(Bn, en donde t$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs has pecado en la eternidad.
Visto que, as$(D??(B es como nuestro Padre celestial bendijo a Abraham, pero igualmente a Jacobo con los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes, haciendo que sus hijos sean el fundamento de su perfecta santidad, nacida de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, finalmente todas las familias de las naciones crean en su obra salvadora, renaciendo todos ellos del bautismo en agua y del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo. Entendiendo que, para que los hijos de nuestro Padre celestial sean salvados por su obra salvadora, empezada con Abraham y el vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, logrando que su Hijo Jesucristo sea Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces los convirti$(D??(B a todos en eternos ciudadanos leg$(D??(Btimos de Cana$(D??(Bn, viviendo su vida eterna sin pecado en tierras de su nacimiento con sus amados, vecinos y amistades.
Realmente, para que los hijos de nuestro Padre celestial y las naciones sean redimidos, entonces, ellos tienen que vivir en Cana$(D??(Bn con $(D??(Bl y en su carne sagrada, como cuerpo glorificado de Isaac, destruyendo a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, maldiciones, brujer$(D??(Bas, pobreza, muerte y el infierno, haci$(D??(Bndose as$(D??(B conocer por $(D??(Bl y por sus huestes angelicales antes de ascender a la gloria celestial, enriquecidos desde Cana$(D??(Bn. En otras palabras, sin bautizarte en agua, entonces, t$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs conocer$(D??(Bs riquezas cananeas, que t$(D??(B ya tienes en el cielo arriba y en Cana$(D??(Bn, que t$(D??(B necesitas vivirlas en tu tierra natal con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B accedas a la gloria celestial, conocido por $(D??(Bngeles y gentes en la vida eterna, enriquecido ya infinitamente desde tierra santa, su dulce hogar.
Ciertamente, estos son poderes, glorias y riquezas sin fin, que t$(D??(B tienes que empezarlas a gozar, trabajando as$(D??(B con sus riquezas en tu coraz$(D??(Bn, alma, mente, cuerpo y esp$(D??(Britu humano, prepar$(D??(Bndote a ti para amar, servir y glorificar su santo nombre fuegos sobre su monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Por ende, bautiz$(D??(Bndote, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, t$(D??(B obtendr$(D??(Bs lo mejor de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B solamente conozcas amor, servicio y gloria para su santo nombre fuegos sobre su monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque $(D??(Bl est$(D??(B decidido a crecer contigo en la eternidad progresivamente.
Seguramente, bautizado en agua ya, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, t$(D??(B vestir$(D??(Bs de la carne sagrada de nuestro Padre celestial, que ha destruido a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, maldiciones, enfermedades, familias brujas, pobreza, muerte y el infierno tormentoso por ti y tus amados, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivas en riquezas cananeas diariamente, enriqueciendo tu familia y tu naci$(D??(Bn hasta que su reino venga. Francamente, nuestro Padre celestial ya ha ahogado a cada enemigo que venia hacia ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, porque bautiz$(D??(Bndote, entonces, t$(D??(B te has sumergido con tus enemigos, derrot$(D??(Bndolos: Como Satan$(D??(Bs, esp$(D??(Britus inmundos, maldiciones, conflictos, problemas, pobreza, familias brujas, muerte y infierno tormentoso, eternamente devastados han quedado debajo de las aguas, sin poder regresar a ti jam$(D??(Bs como antes.
Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial te necesita perfecto y santo, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, viviendo siempre con lo mejor de $(D??(Bl en ti de Cana$(D??(Bn: amando, sirviendo y glorificando su santo nombre fuegos, as$(D??(B como los $(D??(Bngeles en la gloria celestial, conquistando finalmente nuevas riquezas en la tierra entera, con $(D??(Bl mismo creciendo en ti siempre. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial ama todo lo que t$(D??(B har$(D??(Bs con su carne sagrada y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en tu diario vivir en la tierra y en la gloria celestial igualmente, al t$(D??(B finalmente ascender a ella, eternamente enriquecido de $(D??(Bl en Cana$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo sea feliz con todo lo que hab$(D??(Ba sido planeando que t$(D??(B cumplas con los tuyos siempre.
Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba empezar un pacto de vida con Abraham en Cana$(D??(Bn, para que t$(D??(B regreses a los poderes cotidianos de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, que son manifestadas desde su pecho sant$(D??(Bsimo en la gloria angelical para sus $(D??(Bngeles y en las familias que han sido redimidas de generaciones pasadas, pero igualmente contigo en tu hogar hoy en d$(D??(Ba. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial derram$(D??(B su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo sobre Isaac del monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B lo recibas en tu pecho tambi$(D??(Bn, ejecutando finalmente su voluntad perfecta contigo, porque $(D??(Bl estar$(D??(B trabajando en tu diario vivir con su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo en tu pecho, logrando su perfecta voluntad en la tierra entera finalmente, como en el cielo al instante, como siempre.
Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn, para que su semilla santa no solamente sea en Jacobo y en los doce patriarcas israelitas, naciendo de su carne sin pecados, pero igualmente en sus hijos cautivados en tus pecados cotidianos, destruy$(D??(Bndolos luego, finalmente entreg$(D??(Bndote la carne sagrada y regreses a $(D??(Bl perfecto y santo, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es eternamente. Incuestionablemente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Israel antiguo naciendo en el cautiverio egipcio, cautivados por tus pecados, para luego ellos tener a Mois$(D??(Bs naciendo especialmente para recibir su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, llevando tus pecados y de tus amados al bautismo del Mar Rojo: liber$(D??(Bndote a ti infinitamente del mal eterno.
Considerando que, este fue el $(D??(Bnico camino posible para que nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo nazca en Cana$(D??(Bn como Israel, liber$(D??(Bndote luego finalmente de tus pecados, porque ellos nacieron para lidiar con ellos aun cuando t$(D??(B no nac$(D??(Bas de tu madre en tu naci$(D??(Bn natal, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B conozcas su liberaci$(D??(Bn para amarlo a $(D??(Bl eternamente. Realmente, ya Israel bautizado en agua, cruzando el Mar Rojo en seco, invocando su santo nombre fuegos, entonces, ellos abandonaron la carne pecadora (que recogi$(D??(B tus pecados) y el esp$(D??(Britu de error, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B tengas junto tus amados, vecinos y amistades la carne sin pecados de Isaac y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, atrayendo cada d$(D??(Ba riquezas hacia a ti y tu naci$(D??(Bn tambi$(D??(Bn siempre.
Sin embargo, para nuestro Padre celestial entregarte a ti esta gran salvaci$(D??(Bn, que Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo junto con sus hijos viviendo en el cautiverio egipcio por ti, para que t$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs desciendas al infierno tormentoso, que es la cautividad que Lucifer ha preparado para ti, m$(D??(Bs bien, t$(D??(B bautizado en agua entraras a Cana$(D??(Bn $(D??(Bnicamente conociendo riquezas toda una vida siempre. Entonces, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que caminar hacia ti con Israel antiguo hambriento y sediento, que $(D??(Bl tuvo que darles de comer del man$(D??(B y de beber de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn, para que t$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn comas de su man$(D??(B de la gloria angelical y bebas de su roca, satisfaciendo tu sed y la de tus amados por una eternidad entera.
Ciertamente, esta es riqueza, que nuestro Padre celestial le entreg$(D??(B a Israel por el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, en donde toda vida falla en existir, sin embargo, comiendo de lo mejor del cielo, como el man$(D??(B, pero igualmente, bebieron de su roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn agua de vida, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn seas satisfecho con los tuyos en tu hogar hoy-pero bautizado ya en agua. Por lo tanto, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial caminar hacia ti, caminando con todo Israel antiguo cada paso por el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, que te llevaba a ti hacia tu cautiverio, que Satan$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba preparado para ti y tus amados en el infierno tormentoso, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl conquistar puertas del infierno y con sus ciudades, para que t$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs pases por ellas.
Nuestro Padre celestial con Israel antiguo bautizado del Mar Rojo, teni$(D??(Bndolos a ellos comiendo del man$(D??(B del cielo cada d$(D??(Ba y bebiendo de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn, entonces, ellos caminaron cada paso, que t$(D??(B caminar$(D??(Bas en la tierra postreramente, llev$(D??(Bndote a ti hacia el infierno tormentoso, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B escapes finalmente cada mal, as$(D??(B como ellos inicialmente del cautiverio de tus pecados en Egipto. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo viviendo en el desierto del Sina$(D??(B, porque asimila el infierno, pero igualmente asimila tu diario vivir en tu tierra natal, fallando siempre en conocer su santo nombre, listo para entregarte a ti una vida todopoderosa, bautiz$(D??(Bndote en agua, bendici$(D??(Bndote diariamente hasta que su reino venga, en donde todo es amor, paz, prosperidad y tu felicidad eterna.
Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba derrotar tus pecados cotidianos no solamente con Israel antiguo bautizado del Mar Rojo, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, pero igualmente derrotar tu vida pecadora por el desierto, finalmente descendiendo al coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra para instalar su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, declar$(D??(Bndote cuan grande es su amor por ti siempre. Empero, para nuestro Padre celestial establecer su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo en el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, entonces, $(D??(Bl ten$(D??(Ba que expiar, juzgar y cubrir tus pecados con sangre expiatoria de corderos, cumpliendo as$(D??(B con rituales y ceremonias del Juramento a Isaac, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba a Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn nuevamente, pero como su Hijo Jesucristo junto con su santo nombre bendici$(D??(Bndote a ti sobre su cruz siempre.
Realmente, para que esto sea posible, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba descender sangrando con Israel antiguo, porque cuando ellos se rebelaron en contra de $(D??(Bl y su $(D??(Bngel Sant$(D??(Bsimo en d$(D??(Bas finales del desierto, entonces, cada uno fue mordido por serpientes venenosas, ya que necesitaban sangrar sobre puertas del infierno para ser una semilla santa con las familias de las naciones, redimi$(D??(Bndolos finalmente para Cana$(D??(Bn. Por cuanto, Israel antiguo tenia que ser una semilla santa con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las naciones que hab$(D??(Ban vivido ya en la tierra, pero que descendieron al infierno tormentoso por no conocer jam$(D??(Bs su santo nombre ni su bautismo en agua, que los hubiese limpiado de sus pecados perpetuamente, haci$(D??(Bndolos seguidamente uno tambi$(D??(Bn con sus hijos de generaciones venideras--salv$(D??(Bndolos.
Leg$(D??(Btimamente, esta es la semilla santa de nuestro Padre celestial, saliendo de $(D??(Bl, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, pero luego tambi$(D??(Bn de la hija virgen de David como Isaac nuevamente, pero esta vez, como su Hijo Jesucristo y con su santo nombre, clav$(D??(Bndolo a su semilla santa sobre el monte Sion, destruyendo tus pecados y del mundo entero. Actualmente, esta es la semilla santa de nuestro Padre celestial, nacida de $(D??(Bl como Isaac, recogiendo pecados cometidos en contra de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de las naciones pasadas y futuras, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl mismo destruirlas en el Mar Rojo, llevando Israel antiguo finalmente este bautismo en agua al coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, borrando as$(D??(B pecados del mundo entero eternamente.
Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que destruir las familias de las naciones en d$(D??(Bas de No$(D??(B con un gran diluvio, que la humanidad entera nunca pens$(D??(B posible, burl$(D??(Bndose de la familia de No$(D??(B, al observarlos como constru$(D??(Ban el Arca en tierra muy alta y lejos del mar, porque de seguro, $(D??(Bl hab$(D??(Ba determinado borrar el pecado de la tierra entera en un d$(D??(Ba. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial pensaba no solamente manifestar deseos gloriosos de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, fundando una naci$(D??(Bn nacida de su semilla santa, que es su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y sin pecado en Cana$(D??(Bn y en el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, en donde Satan$(D??(Bs tenia su reino de tinieblas, pero igualmente $(D??(Bl mismo renacer con la humanidad entera en Cana$(D??(Bn finalmente.
Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial conoc$(D??(Ba perfectamente a su naci$(D??(Bn dorada, nacida de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo: como familias $(D??(Bnicamente conociendo su vida, su santo nombre, su palabra viva junto con sus Diez Mandamientos, enriqueciendo a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las naciones, sangrando sobre postes del infierno: y por Cana$(D??(Bn, sangrando sobre su cruz, finalmente alcanzando salvaci$(D??(Bn con el bautismo todopoderoso de agua. Por eso, es que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo del vientre virgen de la hija de David sin pecado alguno, para luego tenerlo con Juan el Bautista en el r$(D??(Bo Jord$(D??(Bn, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba bautizarse para clavar este bautismo sobre todo lo alto de la cruz en su $(D??(Bltimo d$(D??(Ba con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn, para la tierra entera por fin.
En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba toda carne destruida con el diluvio de No$(D??(B, ascendiendo monta$(D??(Bas, quitando el pecado, esp$(D??(Britus inmundos y violencia de naciones antiguas y futuras, luego liberar a Israel de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, como su semilla santa, bautizado del Mar Rojo, para bautizar el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra con carne de Isaac, viviendo nuevamente con el Mes$(D??(Bas bautizado del Jord$(D??(Bn. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial con No$(D??(B y su Arca flotando, destruy$(D??(B a toda carne en aquellos d$(D??(Bas, para darles vida luego, pero con su semilla santa, nacida de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, su Hijo Jesucristo viviendo en Cana$(D??(Bn como Isaac, bautizado por uno de sus hermanos Juan en el r$(D??(Bo Jord$(D??(Bn, finalmente entreg$(D??(Bndonos vida nuevamente a todo aquel bautizado en agua, invocando su santo nombre.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo junto con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo viviendo tu vida eterna, entregada a ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, pero vivi$(D??(Bndola enteramente, como $(D??(Bl normalmente la vive con sus huestes angelicales eternamente victorioso sobre Lucifer, pecados y $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B mismo la vivas sobre Satan$(D??(Bs y sus esp$(D??(Britus inmundos en la tierra entera siempre. Realmente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial comer con Abraham sobre su Mesa santa pan y vino, servidos por su Hijo Jesucristo a huestes angelicales de la gloria celestial, y as$(D??(B, ellos sean siempre amorosos, fieles y verdaderos a su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, para que t$(D??(B vivas su vida eterna por siempre enriquecida en toda la tierra.
Dado que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente a Abraham y Sarah junto con los dem$(D??(Bs, comiendo y bebiendo pan y vino de su Mesa santa con $(D??(Bl y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, siempre servida por su Hijo Jesucristo en la gloria angelical, manteniendo a $(D??(Bngeles perfectos y santos, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesita hacerlo as$(D??(B en la tierra contigo, manteni$(D??(Bndote santo y perfecto siempre. Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Abraham junto con Sarah y sus hijos prometidos en generaciones venideras, comiendo y bebiendo del pan y vino, porque $(D??(Bl los necesitaba a ellos no solamente viviendo con $(D??(Bl en su semilla santa, que es su Hijo Jesucristo, que naci$(D??(B en Cana$(D??(Bn como Isaac, pero igualmente, t$(D??(B que seas santo y perfecto, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es eternamente.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita crecer en sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, porque bautizados en agua entonces ellos abandonaran la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error por la carne sin pecados y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, creciendo $(D??(Bl libremente en ellos, logrando as$(D??(B su voluntad perfecta, que es milagro tras milagro, bendici$(D??(Bndolos en la tierra entera siempre hasta que su reino venga. Por lo contrario, Lucifer y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos siempre crecen al lado de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba no bautizados en agua aun, porque ellos habr$(D??(Bn fallado en conocer, que han nacido para amar a nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, pero bautizados finalmente para recibir la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn, am$(D??(Bndolos a ellos con un amor todopoderoso para siempre.
Porque esto siempre fue el problema de las naciones, fallando en conocer en d$(D??(Bas de No$(D??(B: que Lucifer junto con sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos crec$(D??(Ba en ellos, sin nadie darse cuenta, que el mal crec$(D??(Ba incesante en sus carnes pecadoras, causando violencia entre ellos, que nuestro Padre celestial se vio obligado a bautizarlos con un diluvio mundial, quitando as$(D??(B a Satan$(D??(Bs de entre ellos perpetuamente. Hist$(D??(Bricamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Israel y Mois$(D??(Bs bautizados en agua, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, porque ellos necesitaban no solamente quitar pecados de naciones antiguas y futuras, durante su cautiverio egipcio, pero igualmente, recibir el cuerpo glorificado, que es su semilla santa, saliendo de $(D??(Bl para que t$(D??(B vivas nuevamente en Canana, infinitamente enriquecido.
En estos d$(D??(Bas, nuestro Padre celestial necesita crecer en sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl ser el gigante que $(D??(Bl es con sus huestes angelicales junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, finalmente para vivir las riquezas insondables de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, que su reino angelical jam$(D??(Bs conoci$(D??(B hasta que t$(D??(B naciste de $(D??(Bl en la tierra. Verdaderamente, t$(D??(B has nacido junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades directamente de la imagen y del alma sant$(D??(Bsima y del amor infalible de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo y con muchas riquezas sin fin de nuestro Padre celestial para manifestarse todo en cielos y tierra, creados por ti, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivas con $(D??(Bl y su santo nombre fuegos, eternamente enriquecido en la eternidad venidera.
Adem$(D??(Bs, este es el nuevo reino de nuestro Padre celestial, en donde $(D??(Bl vivir$(D??(B con sus hijos bautizados ya todos en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, para que todos ellos sean conocidos en Cana$(D??(Bn y en la gloria celestial, creciendo todos ellos en grandes riquezas para su nueva tierra eterna. Amorosamente, esto es lo que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba ver en Israel enteramente, bautiz$(D??(Bndolos, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl mismo crecer en ellos en su semilla santa, como la carne sin pecados de Isaac y enriquecida del Juramento a Isaac, derramada ya enteramente sobre Cana$(D??(Bn y sus hijos para vivir su vida y riquezas insondables en toda la tierra.
Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel entender, que nacen en la tierra para vivir con $(D??(Bl, eternamente bendecidos por su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, que es su semilla santa, como la carne sin pecados de Isaac, creciendo $(D??(Bl en ellos en Cana$(D??(Bn y con grandes poderes, glorias y dulzuras inagotables de leche y miel, bendiciendo la tierra entera finalmente, y siempre. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel enteramente entendiendo, que al ser bautizados en agua ya, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre bendito, entonces, $(D??(Bl mismo crecer$(D??(B en ellos para quitar a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y el infierno tormentoso de Cana$(D??(Bn, pero igualmente de las familias de las naciones para que su nuevo reino de su amor eterno se manifieste inmediatamente.
Entendiendo que, esto suceder$(D??(B exactamente cuando Israel est$(D??(B bautizado en agua, invocando la santidad perfecta de su nombre, que $(D??(Bl mismo no solamente crecer$(D??(B en la carne sin pecados de Isaac para limpiar a Cana$(D??(Bn de Satan$(D??(Bs y de familias brujas, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl crecer$(D??(B, alcanzando a familias de las naciones, quitando a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y muerte de sus hogares y naci$(D??(Bn natal finalmente. Pensativo, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, que en su semilla santa las familias de las naciones serian bendecida tambi$(D??(Bn, $(D??(Bl mismo creciendo inmediatamente en Israel, bautizados todos en agua, para quitar a Satan$(D??(Bs, familias brujas, muerte y el infierno de Cana$(D??(Bn y tambi$(D??(Bn de las naciones—creciendo $(D??(Bl mismo hacia ellos toda una eternidad, enriqueciendo la tierra entera con muchas dulzuras siempre.
Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial descendi$(D??(B al coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra con Israel antiguo, mordidos por serpientes venenosas a postes del infierno junto con sus ciudades de familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones para ser uno con ellos eternamente en su cruz, porque $(D??(Bl necesita crecer en ti, llenando la tierra entera de $(D??(Bl mismo, empezando sobre el monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial ser$(D??(B clavado a Cana$(D??(Bn, su tierra santa, su dulce hogar, escogida especialmente por $(D??(Bl, para vivir all$(D??(B, rodeado y enriquecido por sus hijos de Israel, porque $(D??(Bl est$(D??(B buscando bendecir perpetuamente con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn, poderes y riquezas a familias de las naciones, pero con $(D??(Bl junto con Israel clavados a riquezas cananeas, jam$(D??(Bs tocadas por el pecado toda una eternidad.
Ser$(D??(B, como cuando Israel y romanos clavaron a nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo victorioso sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, familias brujas, enfermedades, maldiciones, conflictos, pobreza, muerte y el infierno sobre su cruz, que es la semilla santa de nuestro Padre celestial, abrazando a sus hijos de las familias antiguas y modernas con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn, amor, paz, prosperidad alegr$(D??(Bas interminables para la eternidad, empezando en tu hogar siempre. Esto es correcto: Nuestro Padre celestial ser$(D??(B clavado a Cana$(D??(Bn con Israel bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, porque con $(D??(Bl clavado a su tierra santa, como su dulce hogar infinitamente, para sus hijos amarlo a $(D??(Bl con amor eterno, entonces la tierra ser$(D??(B perfectamente santa—por cuanto, solamente $(D??(Bl es la perfecta santidad de la tierra entera en la eternidad.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial lo hace todo por ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque $(D??(Bl te ama a ti con su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, enamorado contigo en la gloria celestial con las huestes angelicales y su coraz$(D??(Bn asombroso contin$(D??(Ba enamorado de ti desde el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, porque all$(D??(B estar$(D??(B am$(D??(Bndote a ti $(D??(Bnicamente para que conozcas alegr$(D??(Bas sin fin en la eternidad venidera. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
The FATHER nailed to CANAAN with ISRAEL blesses all families worldwide with love, holiness, healing and richness forever:
The day had come, for our heavenly Father to start a new Creation, where He will live with His children born from His image and from His living-soul, thus, He may be able to live with them loving, serving and exalting His holy name fires throughout eternity: conquering new richness, glories and powers unseen and untouched by sin forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life that has always loved His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts through eternity, but now, He needed to live with His children born from Him in paradise, as Adam and Eve but also the children upon earth, for He needed to conquer His holy heart$B!G(Bs amazing richness ultimately.
This is richness that our heavenly Father had always known through eternity with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but He may only be able to live it along with new glories, powers and powerful blessing with His children born from Him along with the angelical hosts faithful to Him and His holy name fires forever. Glories, powers, blessing and everlasting-richness always existing in our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart through eternity, however, He has always enjoyed them with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and angelical host faithful to Him and His holy name fires over His altar until Lucifer$B!G(Bs sin and rebellion along with one-third of angelical hosts interfered against Him with evil throughout His angelical kingdom.
Really, glories, powers, and amazing richness that our heavenly Father would have loved to enjoy with His faithful angelical hosts along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but until Lucifer sinned then they were expelled from His holy presence, thus to give birth to His children from His image and living-soul to live His holy heart$B!G(Bs richness through eternity finally. Certainly, glories, powers and endless-richness that our heavenly Father would have loved to enjoy them with the angelical host faithful to Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but He was stopped by Lucifer$B!G(Bs sin and rebellious angelical hosts following him, sinning against His holy name fires that He needed to give birth to you and to your loved ones immediately.
For our heavenly Father needed to give birth to you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because you were born loving Him and His holy name fires along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, given that Lucifer and fallen angels would fail continually to love and understand His holy name fires through eternity—therefore, you needed to come. If truth be told nowadays, then we will know that only our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit could truly understand His holy name fires, because the angelical hosts until now failed to understand it, given that Lucifer and his angels sinned and rebelled against it by trying to hold it, offending Him and His Son forever.
That is the truth, the angelical hosts until these days they have failed to understand our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name fires over His altar, that we know that is Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, because this is the place that He had chosen before the foundation of the world to nail it to you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends for eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to create heaven and earth, where He could be born with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Isaac, so He may have His children to become His divine family upon earth, born to love Him along His holy name fires, because He really needs His children to know His name as He alone knows it through eternity.
Really, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth for His children born from His image and living-soul finally to have them knowing His holy name fires throughout eternity, conquering new richness, glories, powers of endless blessing that will enrich His holy heart in His chest but also in each of His children$B!G(Bs chest knowing and loving His holy name for many generations to come. That is to say, also if our heavenly Father may have it His way through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then He will have you loving and knowing His holy name fires over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, just as He along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has loved and known it through eternity until now.
For this is the true happiness of your heart, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, finally to love, know and worship His holy name fires over Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan, because it is nailed to the cross forever that is you along with Israel and all nations only to know it entirely with its endless glories through eternity. In other words, our heavenly Father has created heaven and earth not for Satan and his families of Satanist to execute daily witchcraft against His children from Israel and the families of the nations, but instead, He created His new kingdom of eternal love to have His children loving to know His holy name fires just as He has always loved and known it until now.
This His new earth, where our heavenly Father will finally have His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living in each of His children from Israel and the families the perfect glories, richness and powers of His holy heart only to love, serve and honor His holy name fires that will conquer new richness unseen before by anyone until our days. These are abundant glories, powers and endless richness born from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart through eternity for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with each of His children to enjoy throughout His new earth, but starting in Canaan, because this glorious land has never known sin until now, because it is impossible for it to exit there throughout eternity.
That is why, that every time that one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations is born again through the water baptism by invoking Him as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then that person is reborn in Canaan to become His child dressing His holy-seed that is Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh without sin forever into everlasting. This also means that our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs will be finally upon earth, because that person is dressing His holy-seed born from Him by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers so you may have it these days as well, where He will perform miracles that you may need along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends just as He wills in heaven$B!G(Bs glory with the angelical hosts.
Really, our heavenly Father will begin to live and grow within you entirely, because as you were baptized in water then you became His holy-seed that is His flesh without sin for His living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac will begin to perform wonders within you, our loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere thus to glorify His holy name fires always. Certainly, it is important that you may become baptized in water for our heavenly Father to grow within you with the amazing daily powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, so He may be able to perform His amazing daily miracles for you and for everyone else thus to help you to love, serve and finally know His holy name fires upon Canaan.
Moreover, this is glorious daily richness that will begin to pour upon you and your loved ones, because our heavenly Father needs to bless you richly with His amazing holy heart$B!G(Bs powers that will touch your neighbors and friends from everywhere for His holy name fires amazing glories to fill the earth entirely forever, starting in Canaan—His home-sweet-home. Therefore, you may only know our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with His holy name fires nailed to the cross over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, because this holy land has never known sin through generations until now—what has been there always is real witchcraft families serving Satan to curse His holy land with daily terrible curses.
However, the truth is that Canaan is without sin forever, because our heavenly Father had not only Abraham descending into it with his wife Sarah unable to birth a child, nonetheless, He had His Son Jesus Christ born from her as Isaac for Jacob and the children to become His first nation without sin in the midst of the nations throughout the earth forever. For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, so He may have finally Abraham living with His flesh without sin thus to remove his sins from his entire life forever moreover call him finally over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill with his beloved son Isaac to declare him perfect and holy for all eternity.
Considering that, if our heavenly Father can have Abraham living with His Son Jesus Christ born to him from his wife Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac, then he could perfectly live His eternal life in Canaan later to have Jacob along with the twelve Israelis patriarchs born without sin in Canaan, because sin fails to exist in His chosen land forever. However, once our heavenly Father could have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in Canaan then He could have also Jacob along with the Israelis patriarchs living in Canaan, because they needed to be the fathers of the twelve Israelis tribes always in Canaan, while the children for four-hundred years collected the sins of the world for the Red Sea finally baptism.
Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to have not only His Son Jesus Christ living in Canaan as Isaac with Abraham, Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs, but also, He needed them to remain perfect and holy in Canaan before Him and His angels faithful to His holy name at Mount Zion, while Israel entirely faced enemies to destroy sin forever at the Red Sea. Truthfully, this was perfect holiness for our heavenly Father because He really had His Son Jesus Christ living in Canaan as Isaac for Abraham, Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs, while the children as His holy nation wrestled against wicked-powers to collect every sin from the families of the nations already most of them in hell$B!G(Bs torments for failing His water baptism.
For our heavenly Father was important that His Son Jesus Christ will remain with Abraham, Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs in Canaan, where sin fails to exist through eternity, meanwhile the children of Israel were living in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to collect your sins and that of your loved ones, neighbors and friends, so he may finally descend towards you with amazing daily richness. For our heavenly Father needed to bless you but within Canaan, where sin has always failed to exist despite that Satan has always had had Satanists families conducting daily witchcrafts, so he may not only deceive Israel but also the families of the nations thus they will always live blinded by his lies never knowing that they are blessed already with great richness forever.
In truth, you were born from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs image and living-soul with great richness that can be manifested in your daily life upon earth but from Canaan only, as in your homeland, where you were born with your loved ones, but also to be manifested through your eternal days in eternity, given that from Canaan you are heading towards heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever blessed. Therefore, baptized in water then you will be reborn into Canaan to join Isaac$B!G(Bs glorified-body, Abraham, Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs along with the children that lived in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to destroy your sins and that of your loved ones, so you may have abundant life these days enriched daily from Canaan, where you will fail to sin again in eternity.
For this is how our heavenly Father blessed Abraham but also Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs thus they will be His children as the foundation of perfect holiness born from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, finally for the families of the nations may believe in His salvation-work by been reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit. Understanding that, for our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs children to become saved by this great salvation-work that started with Abraham and Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb, as His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac by the Holy Spirit, then, they must become Canaan$B!G(Bs citizens as well thus to live His eternal life without sin in their homelands, as from where they were born with their loved ones, neighbors and friends.
Really, for our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs children from Israel and the nations to become saved then they must live in Canaan with Him in His sacred-flesh that is Isaac$B!G(Bs glorified-body that defeated Satan, fallen angels, curses, witchcraft families, poverty, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment, so they may become known by Him and His angelical hosts before entering heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever enriched already from Canaan. In other words, failing the water baptism nowadays then you will never know the richness that you already have in heaven and in Canaan that you need to live in your homeland with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, so you may have access into eternal life in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, where angels and people will know you already enriched forever from His holy land.
Indeed, these are powers, glories and endless richness that you must begin to enjoy thus to work out His richness in your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to prepare you to love, serve and glorify His holy name fires over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, enriched as you have never known richness before in your homeland along with loved ones. Therefore, baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob then you will get the best from Him and His Son and His Spirit only for you to know love, service and glory for His holy name fires over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, because He is determined to grow with you through eternity continuously.
Surely, baptized in water already by invoking the perfect holiness of His name then you will be dressed with our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh that has defeated Satan, fallen angels, curses, infirmities, witchcrafts families, poverty, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment for you and your loved ones, so you may live in Canaan$B!G(Bs daily richness, enriching your family but also your entire country until kingdom comes. Frankly, our heavenly Father has already drowned every enemy coming your way against you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because baptized in water, then, you have emerged with your enemies defeated: as Satan, wicked spirits, curses, conflicts, problems, poverty, witchcrafts families, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment eternally devastated under the water never to return to you again as before.
For our heavenly Father needs you perfect and holy as He is along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may live the best from Him in Canaan: loving, serving and glorifying His holy name fires as His angelical hosts in heaven$B!G(Bs glory thus to conquer new richness through the earth by Him living to grow with you always. For our heavenly Father really cherish everything you will do with His sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit in your every day life throughout the earth and in heaven$B!G(Bs glory as well, as you may finally ascend into it, forever enriched from Him in Canaan thus His holy heart may enjoy finally everything that He has planned to accomplish with you and loved ones forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to start a covenant of life with Abraham within Canaan, so you may return to His holy heart$B!G(Bs daily powers that are manifested from His chest in heaven$B!G(Bs glory with the angelical hosts and families that are saved there through the generations but also you at home these days. For our heavenly Father poured His holy heart upon Isaac over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, resting at Moriah, so you may finally receive it in your chest thus to execute faithfully His perfect will with you, because He will be working in your every day life with His holy heart in your chest, executing His perfect will on earth as in heaven instantly as always.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in Canaan, so His holy-seed not only Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs will be born from His flesh without sin but also His children captivated in your daily sin to destroy them, finally granting you His sacred-flesh to return to Him perfect and holy as He is forever in eternal life. Unquestionably, our heavenly Father had to have ancient Israel born in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity, captivated by your sins, so they may finally have Moses born to receive His holy name fires at Mount Sinai, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to take your sins and your loved ones into the Red Sea baptism: liberating you these days from evil forever.
Considering that, this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born in Canaan as Israel could liberate you finally from sin, because they were born to deal with your sins even before you were born from your mother$B!G(Bs womb in your homeland thus you may know liberty only to love Him forever. Really, once Israel became baptized in water by crossing the Red Sea, invoking His holy name fires, then, they abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, so you may have along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh that is without sin forever and the Holy Spirit to attract richness towards you and your homeland always.
However, for our heavenly Father to grant you this great salvation that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob along with His children living in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity for you, so you will never have to descend into hell$B!G(Bs torment that is the captivity that Satan has prepared for you, instead you may be baptized in water to enter Canaan to know only richness through life always. Then, our heavenly Father had to walk towards you with ancient Israel hungry and thirsty that He had to give them to eat from heaven$B!G(Bs manna and drink from the rock of salvation, so you may eat also from His manna from heaven$B!G(Bs glory and drink from His rock to satisfy your thirst and that of your loved ones through coming generations.
Certainly, this is richness that our heavenly Father was able to grant to Israel through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, where life fails to exist, however, they ate the best from heaven$B!G(Bs glory as the manna, but also, they drank from the rock of salvation water of life thus you may also become satisfied with your loved ones at home nowadays—baptized in water already. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to walk towards you by walking with ancient Israel every step through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert that was taking into your captivity that Satan had prepared for you and your loved ones in hell$B!G(Bs torment, so He may conquer hell$B!G(Bs gates and its cities for you forever thus you may never have to go throw it.
Our heavenly Father with ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea, having them eating the manna from heaven each day and drank from the rock of salvation, then, they walked every step that you were destined to walk on earth taking you into in hell$B!G(Bs torment, so you may escape finally every evil as they did initially from their captivity in your sins in Egypt. Besides that, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel living in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, because it assimilates hell$B!G(Bs torment but also it assimilates your daily life in your homeland for failing to know His holy name fires that can grant you a powerful life through His water baptism, blessing you each day until His kingdom may come, where everything is love, peace, prosperity and endless-happiness.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to defeat your daily sins not only with ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob but also defeat your sinful-life through the desert, finally descending to the earth$B!G(Bs heart to install His holy heart under Canaan telling you how much He really loves you through eternity. However, for our heavenly Father to establish His holy heart in the earth$B!G(Bs heart under Canaan then He had to expiate, judge and cover your sins with lambs$B!G(B atoning-blood thus fulfilling the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, for He needed Isaac in Canaan again but as His Son Jesus Christ along with His holy name that blesses you continually always.
Nevertheless, for this to be possible our heavenly Father needed to descend bleeding with ancient Israel, because while they rebelled against Him and His Holy Angel in the final days in the desert, then everyone was bitten by poisonous snakes because they needed to bleed at hell$B!G(Bs gates to become one holy-seed with the families of the nations finally to save them for Canaan. For ancient Israel had to become one holy-seed with every man, woman and child from the families of the nations that had already lived upon earth but they had descended into hell$B!G(Bs torment for failing to know His holy name fires and His water baptism that washes them clean from sin forever, but also, they became one with everyone$B!G(Bs children born through coming generations.
Understanding that, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy-seed emanating from Him by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs power through Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac but later also from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter as Isaac again but this time as His Son Jesus Christ with His holy name fires nailed finally to His holy-seed over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill to destroy your sins and the world$B!G(Bs in one day forever. Actually, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy-seed born from Him as Isaac collecting every sin ever committed against Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit by the nations from the past and the future, so He may destroy them at the Red Sea with ancient Israel finally taking this water baptism to earth$B!G(Bs heart thus erasing sin from the earth in one day forever.
Considering that, our heavenly Father had to destroy the families of the nations throughout the earth in Noah$B!G(Bs days with a great flood that humankind had never thought possible that everyone really mocked Noah$B!G(Bs family to see their Ark built in high lands and far from the sea, because surely, He was determined to erase sin from the entire earth in one day. Realizing that, our heavenly Father had in mind not only to bring His holy heart great desires to have an entire nation born from His holy-seed that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit without sin throughout Canaan and the earth as well, including its heart, where Satan ran his kingdom of darkness, but also has humankind reborn in Canaan with Him finally.
Lovingly: Our heavenly Father knew perfectly well His dream nation born from His holy heart: as families only knowing His eternal life, His holy name fires, His living-words along with His Ten Commandments, enriching every man, woman and child from the nations bleeding at hell$B!G(Bs gates: and throughout Canaan, bleeding at His cross, finally attaining everyone$B!G(Bs salvation with one powerful baptism in water. That is why, that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ although born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter without any relation to sin then He had had him meeting John the Baptize at the Jordan River, because he needed to become baptized to nail this water baptism to the cross in the last day with perfect salvation, for the entire earth at last.
In other words, our heavenly Father needed all-flesh destroyed in Noah$B!G(Bs days with a flood, ascending mountains thus removing sin, unclean spirits and violence from past and future nations, later delivering Israel from His holy heart as His holy-seed baptized at the Red Sea to baptize the earth$B!G(Bs heart for all-flesh to see life again with His King Messiah baptized at the Jordan lastly. Lawfully, our heavenly Father with Noah and His Ark floating destroyed all-flesh in those days to give them life later but with His holy-seed born from His holy heart as His Son Jesus Christ living in Canaan as Isaac baptized by one of His brothers John at the Jordan, finally granting life again to everyone baptized in water nowadays by invoking His holy name.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit living your eternal life granted unto you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, but living it entirely as He would normally with His angelical hosts forever victorious against Lucifer, sin and the fallen angels, so you may live it on top of Satan and his wicked ones on earth forever. Really, it was important for our heavenly Father to eat with Abraham at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table the bread and wine, always served by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts in heaven$B!G(Bs glory thus they may remain lovable, faithful and true to His holy name fires over Mount Zion, in Canaan, so you may live His eternal life forever enriched throughout the earth.
Given that, our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham and Sarah along with everyone else to eat the bread and wine at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table with Him and His Holy Spirit that is always served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven$B!G(Bs glory to keep every angel perfect and holy, but also, he needed it on earth to keep you perfect and holy always. Definitively, our heavenly Father needed Abraham along with Sarah and the promised children living in coming generations to eat the bread and wine as well, because He needed them not only to live with Him in His holy-seed that is His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in Canaan, but also, you may become perfect and holy as He is forever in eternity.
For our heavenly Father needs to grow in His children from Israel and the nations, because baptized in water then they will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for His sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where He may grow in them thus to perform His perfect will that is miracle after miracle blessing human life throughout the earth always until kingdom comes. Contrary to Lucifer and his fallen angels always growing next to every man, woman and child not baptized in water yet, because they had failed to know that they were born to love our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but baptized finally to receive the rock of salvation to love them with a powerful love untouched by sin forever.
For this was the nations$B!G(B problem failing to realize in Noah$B!G(Bs days, and this was that Lucifer along with the fallen angels was growing in them, without ever realizing that evil was always growing within the sinful-flesh, causing great violence against each other, that our heavenly Father had to baptize them with His worldwide flood to remove Satan from them at last forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with its patriarchs baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, because they needed not only to remove sins from past and future nations during Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity, but also, finally receive His glorified-body that is His holy-seed born from Him to see life again in Canaan forever.
These days, our heavenly Father needs to grow in His children from Israel and the nations, so He may become the giant that He is in eternity with the angelical hosts along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus finally to live His holy heart$B!G(Bs great richness that His angelical kingdom never knew until you were born from Him on earth. Understanding that, you were born along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world directly from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs image, His living-soul and His amazing holy heart$B!G(Bs unfailing love and its endless richness to be manifested in heaven and on earth created for you, so you may live with Him and His holy name fires forever enriched through eternity.
Furthermore, this our heavenly Father new kingdom, where He will live with His children that has been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus they may become known throughout Canaan and in heaven$B!G(Bs glory because of the richness that will grow with them throughout His new earth. Graciously, this is what our heavenly Father needed to see within Israel entirely baptized in water by invoking His name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness, so He may grow within them in His holy-seed as Isaac$B!G(Bs flesh without sin filled with the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs great richness poured already upon Canaan and His children to live His eternal life to the fullness of endless-richness on earth.
Truly, our heavenly Father needed Israel to understand that they were on earth to live with Him forever blessed by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is His holy-seed as Isaac$B!G(Bs flesh without sin for Him to grow within them in Canaan$B!G(Bs holy grounds with great powers, richness, glories and endless-sweetness of milk and honey blessing the earth entirely finally forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed Israel entirely to understand that by been baptized in water already, as they may invoke His holy name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness, then, He will grow within them to remove Satan, fallen angels, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment from Canaan but also from the families of the nations for His new kingdom of love may manifest finally.
Understanding that, this is exactly what will happen once Israel is baptized in water by invoking His holy name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness that He will not only grow within Isaac$B!G(B flesh without sin to clear Canaan from Satan and witchcrafts families but also He will grow reaching the families of the nations to remove Satan, fallen angels and death from their homes and homeland forever. Thoughtful, our heavenly Father said to Abraham that in His holy-seed all the families will be blessed as well, and this is that He grows immediately within Israel once baptized in water to remove Satan, witchcrafts families, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment from Canaan but also from all the nations—because He will grow towards them always through eternity enriching the earth with endless-sweetness always.
That is why, that our heavenly Father descended to the earth$B!G(Bs heart with ancient Israel bitten by poisonous snakes at hell$B!G(Bs gates along with its cities of ancient and modern families of the nations to become one with them forever at the cross, because He needs to grow in you to fill the entire earth with Himself, starting at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan. For our heavenly Father will be nailed to Canaan, His holy ground, His home-sweet-home, chosen especially by Him to live there forever loved, surrounded and enriched by His children from Israel, because He is looking forever to bless with perfect salvation, powers and endless richness the families of the nations but with Him along with Israel nailed to Canaan$B!G(Bs richness untouched by sin through eternity.
This will be something as when Israel and the Romans nailed our Lord Jesus Christ victorious against Satan, fallen angels, Satanists families, infirmities, curses, conflicts, poverty, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment over the cross that is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy-seed gathering His children from all ancient and modern families with perfect salvation, love, peace, prosperity and endless happiness through eternity, starting in your home always. That is correct. Our heavenly Father will be nailed to Canaan with Israel baptized in water by invoking His holy name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness, because with Him nailed to His chosen holy ground to be His home-sweet-home forever for His children to love Him with endless love, then the earth will become perfectly holy forever as well—given that He alone is the earth$B!G(Bs perfect holiness throughout eternity.
Really, our heavenly Father will do this for you, loved ones, neighbors and friends throughout the earth, because He loves you with His holy heart in love with you in heaven$B!G(Bs glory with the angelical hosts and His amazing heart continues in love with you from the earth$B!G(Bs heart, because it is there now loving you only for you to know endless-happiness through eternity. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? Or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1
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