Qualifications assessment service
If you want to go to the United States for further education, employment, or emigration, but do not know if your qualifications will be accepted. Then, we are in a position to help. We can do an assessment for you on your qualifications and provide a report, which is widely accepted by universities, employers, and the Immigration and Naturalization Services. Our chief assessor, Dr. J.N. Prade, is very experienced in doing qualifications assessment as he has been admissions officer of Harvard University. We also have a selection program which can guarantee your admission to an American university and provide public examination courses, including the English Language Program. For details, please contact: Consultant Lam. His email address is: swlam@pchome.com.tw His fax number in the United States is : (208) 330 2519; in the U.K. is: (0) 870 831 3756; and in Hong Kong is: 2656 6101. Thank you!
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