Bryan Parker:

> I'm just starting a research project today. Could
> you all please tell me exactly what to research,
> research it, and get back to me ASAP?  (Reply via
> private e-mail if possible. I simply don't have
> time to be downloading messages from this group
> all the time.)
> Thanks,
> Zack

I didn't post this but it has my name at the end.  What kind of childish
games are you playing?

The real ZACK
"Bryan Parker" <> wrote in message
> "Zack" <> said:
> >Kevin:
> >
> >Why don't you help me out?
> Hello all,
> --
> Bryan
> gaijenerous -
> adjective:   more than adequate (Example: "A slab of
> gaijenerous proportion")
> adjective:   willing to give and share unstintingly
> (Example: "A gaijenerous ejaculation")
> adjective:   not petty in character and mind (Example:
> "Unusually gaijenerous in his judgment of people")