Wow, what goes on when im absent for 24 hours ^_^.

Lets muddy the waters with my own input shall we...

couple of things that stand out to me:

Rei has Lilth's soul- wether or not Yui is technically her mother is
irrelevant, Lilith, being an angel, the same as Kaoru, should be able to
synch totally with any of the evas...
(but dont ask me why the eva goes beserk when she's in it, maybe its a
teenage eva, and we all know about them teenagers ^_^ I am one)
I think, that the dummy plugs were rejected (in their second usage) because
the eva did not want them this time, It wanted Shinki instead(as opposed to
the Toji incident when it accepted it, probably because Shinji was in danger
and not doing anything) . The rejection was possible because the dummy
copies were just shells of Rei, with no soul.

00 and Ritsuko's mum- hmm, well, the way it was argued seemed plausible
enough, although i dont' necesarilly subscribe to it. It is possible even
though she was dead, because didnt Asuka's mum hang herself? or was that her
stepmum, in which case ignore the last statement, (hey, what do you want
from a guy at 2am! perfect memory?)

02 and Asuka's mum- this has always puzzled me, It is widely accepted that
Asuka's mum's soul is in 02, but I just couldn't seem to make the
connection! could someone point this out for me?
When she was saying stuff like: 'you were there all this time weren't you' I
took that to mean she found her mother inside herself, and that gave her a
reason to keep on fighting, but please point out what exactly is goin down

Finally, JC - welcome dude, glad to have your input, that was a well written
post, and it was convincing the way it was presented. Good stuff mate.

Okidokes, clear as mud? sweet.