On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 23:50:15 -0700, "Li Xiaolang"
<lixiaolang@magicalgirls.net> wrote:

>Good evening Card Captor Sakura fans,
>I'd like to invite you all to visit my Card Captor Sakura web page,
>Sakurabana Matsuri. I guarantee you that this website is worth your while. I
>have the latest CCS news from around the world and the Internet, as well as
>anime, manga, music CD, character information.
>Go to http://sakura.cardcaptorz.com/ for more details of my website. Thank
>you for taking the time to read this message.
>Li Xiaolang
>Web Publisher for Sakurabana Matsuri

Wooooooooooo Your page is incredible!!!!! Really impressed!!!
