"Declan Murphy" <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > Naturally, I was skeptical of any advice coming from him.
> You may think it was natural, but it was a foolish decision.

Hmmm, should I trust the other people who insist on this hato bus business?
Their attitudes suggest I shouldn't.

> Projection 1.
> Projection 2.
> Projection 3.

Who, you or me?

> > I am already around plenty of foreigners back in the USA.  I do not have
> > bend over backwards for them any more than I already do back home.
> Then why are you gracing us with your presence?

I am not here by choice.

> You are the one asking
> for help? No? You may equate "manners" with bending over backwards, and
> indeed some other people in the world may too, but if you aren't willing
> to display a clue, you shouldn't be expecting much in the way of help.

People have a knee-jerk reflex of accusing others of "ignorance", though do
you know for a fact that I know nothing about Japan?  What if I have spent
years living here in the past?