"Arnaldo Horta" <ahorta@spamdie.comcast.net> wrote in message 
> "Mr. Hams" <hampika1a2@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:1116289608.881563.234950@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com...
>> Whoa, those L and R buttons are uncomfortably placed. Gonna be weird.
> Also, notice the "tilt" in the orientation of the digital pad and the 
> buttons....are the analog sticks going to have the same tilt? If not, then 
> up on the digital pad may not be the same as up on the analog.
> It doesn't look like it would be that comfortable...this doesn't make 
> sense given the fact that the Dual Shock 2 is one of the most comfortable 
> around...why change it?

Maybe this new controller is even more comfortable ;p, won't know until we 
try it, will we?