"F&C" <none@hottmail.com> wrote in message 
> http://www.smh.com.au/news/business/employment-growth-jumps-sharply/2006/12/07/1165081062893.html
> Unemployment now at record lows in Australia at 4.6%.
> Wonder what it is in those Euro-loser countries??
> 9.6% in Germany and recent news reports say that's GOOD news? 8.8% in
> France. Probably some ridiculously high figure in Scandinavia.
> SOMEONE explain to me how these Euro-loser countries which are meant to
> have highly educated people can produce such FAILED economies??
> Good work to the Americans though, they have a rate of 4.4%. Although it
> is worth mentioning that the minimum wage is twice as high in Australia.
> In fact, Australia has perhaps the highest minimum wage in the world,
> WITH extremely low unemployment. How come us uncooth Australians can
> manage our economy, whereas Europe is a failed state??
There is a lot more to it than just managing the Economy.

1) Anyone who does one hour work in Australia is not counted as unemployed
How do the Europeans count unemployment?

2) What is the ratio of working people and retired people?
Europe has a lot of People from Eastern Europe who had a much higher birth 
rate than  Australia.

3) America pays unemployment benefit for only a certain time. If you are 
still unemployed after benefits are cut off, you are no longer counted.