"Mattinglyfan" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net (deez nuts)> wrote in message 
> "Que" <nospam@goaway.com> wrote in message 
> news:pL5ve.5852$UG3.2758@fe11.lga...
>> "Mattinglyfan" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net (deez nuts)> wrote in message 
>> news:_cCdnfoyWOuxXiHfRVn-2A@comcast.com...
>>> "Que" <nospam@goaway.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:bd3ve.2361$ZD2.1812@fe09.lga...
>>>> "Mattinglyfan" <Estoscacahuates@comcast.net (deez nuts)> wrote in 
>>>> message news:6_ydnWToKrXBEiHfRVn-pw@comcast.com...
>>>>> But he is just going to argue with you about the superiority of a 
>>>>> console that he has never played.
>>>> I'm flattered that you care (no really) but sorry, you're not bright 
>>>> enough to know what I'm going to "argue."
>>>>> I am not even suggesting that you buy both.  I was saying that those 
>>>>> of us who eventually own both will see the difference first hand in 
>>>>> the spring.
>>>>>That "slight edge" crap is just baseless stupidity.
>>>> Please, stop making yourself out to be Usenet's biggest idiot, thanks.
>>>> http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2453
>>> Thanks moron.  Which part of "we won't even know the true difference 
>>> until both consoles are released" don't you understand?
>> First off,  is this even a legitimate quote, who actually said this?
> Well Corky, if you followed the thread you would know that I SAID THAT and 
> a little bit more.  I included the abridged version for brain children 
> like yourself who choose to write 7 or 8 times more than they read or 
> understand.

Absolutely hysterical, I knew it'd be a kick watching you explain this one. 
So in answer to my question...this is not a legitimate quote.  Learn how to 
properly use quotations next time. It's a wonder how you haven't fucked up 
breathing.  If I haven't been following the thread I wouldn't be spanking 
you this much.  I'm sorry but you fucked up, yet again.  Way to go, 

>> Secondly...and I'll dumb this down just for you...  Each console is 
>> utilizing different hardware and architecture that excels in certain 
>> areas. For example, Xbox 360 CPU excels in integer calculations, PS3 CPU 
>> excels in floating point calculations.  Xbox 360 GPU  extraordinarily 
>> powerful & revolutionary (unified shader architecture w/ on board edram), 
>> PS3 GPU is also quite powerful, in essence a souped up G70.  I'm not even 
>> going to get into types of memory, storage, how different hardware 
>> components communicate w/ eachother in respect to each console, etc. 
>> However...all in all these differences will allow the Xbox 360 to excel 
>> (read: slight edge) in some areas when compared to the PS3....and these 
>> difference will also allow the PS3 to excel (again, read: slight edge) in 
>> some areas when compared to the Xbox 360.  I guess helping out a retard 
>> like you understand these basic concepts can be my good deed for the day.
> Aww, retarded jokes, how clever.

Thanks for letting me the your blood is boiling.

> "The Pistons have a slight edge going into game 7"
> Sorry if a sports reference throws off your little nerd tirade but I just 
> needed to clarify since you obviously don't "thinkie" too well.

It's amazing how many words you can use to actually say nothing.

>How exactly does MS have an edge?  Homecourt advantage?  Sony's top 
>programmer is hobbled by a deep thigh bruise and is questionable?

Your inability to successfully using a valid analogy/comparison has been 
duly noted....as is your lame attempts at humor.  Brainless, you're 
performing right up to everyones extraordinarily low expectations of you.

>You are talking using data of something not put to practice.  You can 
>interpret whatever stats your link uses all you want.

No, brainless.  We *can* (and people do, despite your inability to keep up) 
theorize the capabilities of each component and what it will mean to the 
overall performance of the console.

>As I said, if your dumb ass knew how to follow a thread, "We will see in 
>the spring of 2006."

Which of course has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that each console 
will have their own strengths and weaknesses.  Holy shit,  you're one cunt 
hair away from being totally brain dead.

>>>Does anyone give two damns about conceptual opinion and theoretical 
>> Lets see...lengthy discussions in web forums & Usenet newsgroups and 
>> lengthy articles/discussions from highly respected technical sites like 
>> Anandtech, Beyond 3D, etc.  Yes moron, people apparently do give "two 
>> damns" about "conceptual opinion and theoretical application.  Just 
>> because it's out of your league doesn't automatically mean people don't 
>> care.  Grow a brain.
> No, meat puppet, what you are describing are losers trying to kill time 
> until "the next big thing" is actually here or in a state that can 
> actually be compared.

Wipe the drool off your chin and read v*e*r*y slowly, brainless.   You can 
compare the reported capabilities of individual hardware components and 
compare the design and architecture of two separate products.  You don't 
need to hold something in your hand to compare it, you can analyze data. 
When the two consoles are released to retail people can continue to compare 
the two and in more detail. If that light bulb every goes on in your head it 
will truly be a miracle.

> Right now, wtf are you comparing without product.

Brainless, we're comparing the reported performance capabilities of 
individual hardware components and what that translates to when they all 
work together.  You CAN compare data...obviously that's a shock to you but 
this can be done.  If you can survive this lone and life surely that means 
anything is possible.

>>>Show me a link where they compare the exact game running on both systems.
>> Why are you changing the topic, pussy?  You said," That slight edge crap 
>> is just baseless stupidity."  In turn, I provided a link from a respected 
>> website which goes as far as saying (and I quote), "Each console has its 
>> strengths and its weaknesses..."  In other words...Anandtech fist-fucked 
>> your claim of this being baseless stupidity and reaffirmed my "slight 
>> edge" comment.  In addition to growing a brain try growing a sack too.
> Hey dick, the shit you are quoting is a response to a post that was a 
> response to my original post so how the fuck are you going to say I am 
> changing the topic when that is the topic that I based what I said on?

Are you fucking serious...honestly you can't be this stupid.  I mocked your 
reply that each console has a slight edge in certain areas is baseless 
stupidity.  When you said," Show me a link where they compare the exact game 
running on both systems." in your reply to me, you desperately and cowardly 
tried to change the topic.  Ultimately you failed miserably...which I'm sure 
is nothing new to you.  Now your blood is boiling because someone called you 
out on your pathetic attempt, brainless.

>>>Please stop making yourself out to be a dumbass know-it-all, you're 
>> No one is gunning to take over your job, I promise.
> At least that would be a promotion from newbie shit stick.

...and if you work hard and pray for a miracle, you'll get that promotion.