"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*@colfax.com> wrote in message
> In article <cf1e5c98.0309050516.2593a6fc@posting.google.com>,
> csf2860@mac.com says...
> <snip>
> >Asuka seemed to be just as 'dead' as Misato, and so, the fact that she
> >comes back certainly does seem to me to settle, in the affirmative,
> >the question of whether people who 'died' before TI can come back...
> Whether Asuka actually died or not in EoE is a long running debate
> here.  (I wish Disaster were still around, we could set him off
> and see how long it took him to stop yelling.  ^_^).  Anyway,
> although the MPEs *did* very thoroughly trash EVA-02, the entry
> plug is only a small part of an EVA and it is possible all their
> spears and tearing hands missed her...  And it's not as if the
> MPEs were programmed to specifically kill any Children they
> ran across... And we don't see Rei coming for her...
> It's one of those unanswerable questions.

I think it's more likely she died from the Eva actually getting speared then
the spears actually running through the entry plug. Her nerve connections
were still active and she was so synched that her arm actually split when
the Eva's did. I'm thinking that the Eva getting a bunch of spears through
the brain would mean the same for Asuka. Which, of course, would result in

It's always been my belief that if an Eva's head was severed or the like
while a pilot's nerve conections were active, they'd die. This is why Misato
was so desperate for Asuka's connections to be severed when Zeruel was right
about to cut of Unit-02's head. Kind've similar to dying in a dream or in
the Matrix, even. It's not your physical body that's dying, but your mind,
in a way.
