Schmuck <> wrote in message
> "Sickle584th" <sukhoi9999@adelphia.junknetspam> wrote in message
> news:vw3_9.14844$
> > > From the same guys who promote America's new war in Iraq.
> >
> > I see you don't support the administration's efforts to make Iraq comply
> with the post-Gulf War ceasefire agreement. Care to
> > elaborate why?
> Iraq didn't violate any ceasefire...  George Bush claims it hasn't
> with orders to cease weapon production, even though weapon inspectors
> haven't found anything alarming.  Bush is just looking for an excuse to
> attack.
> --
> Schmuck
> AIM: Schmuck65


Precicely! Dubya's lookin' to settle the score with Hussain, basically
finishing what his father started 12 years ago. What I'd like to know is:
How in the name of NERV is he planning to pay for it AND cut taxes? I'm
telling you, the man is going to be a single-termer, just like Bush, Sr. The
Question is: Who will replace him?

                                 Vaughn L.Porter
                                  Live from Hillsboro, OR
                                  Back to you, Dan.