phobos <> wrote in message
> "Vaughn L.Porter" <> wrote in message
> > I want to know how big the NERV complex was, before it became a big hole
> > the ground. Anyone know if there's some technical schematics available
> > showing the layout of the Geofront? For crying out loud, you can find
> > detailed drawings of the Death Star out there, why not of our favorite
> > Secret Undergound Lair?
> I want to know how in the name of sanity those planes could (a) get
> off the ground, and (b) transport an Eva clean across the Pacific
> Ocean. I mean, an Eva is about the size of a typical Tokyo-3
> skyscraper, so you could probably fit five Spruce Geese and a few
> dozen Caspian Sea Monsters inside one of those planes! And I thought
> the Antonov was a big military transport...

Don't forget trying to land one of those monsters! Well, if they used UFO
technology (anti-grav lifters, superlight materials, cold-fusion engines)
maybe it might work....

                          Vaughn L.Porter
                           Plus, where's the hangers?