Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> squawked:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 21:02:09 -0800, "Vaughn L.Porter"
> <> wrote:
> >First, you are not supposed to put fanfics up on this ng. Just want to warn
> >you, you may get flamed for it (certainly so if Disaster was still around).
> I'm not trying to start an argument, but I was just wondering why this
> is the case? Why is it wrong to post Eva fanfiction on an Eva
> newsgroup (or a UK anime group, depending on where you're looking at
> this)? 

I think it is probably for the same reason as binaries are not
allowed.  This wasn't too big, but large files should not be posted to
newsgroups which are not set up for them.

In this case there is another newsgroup which should have been used.
"rec.arts.anime.creative" is for fan created stories and images.  You
could repost it there, so it can be properly archived.

> >Second, very well written, and disturbing;

I agree, very well written.

> >But I imagine that was what you
> >were trying to convey. However, and I don't want to go off on a rant here,
> >but I doubt that such a scenario would have come up involving Rei; more
> >likely, Ritsuko would have been on the recieving end, and probally numerous
> >times. Her behaviour in the ending episodes and in EoE seems consistant with
> >a battered spouse. Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
> I think that Ritsuko was more a lonely woman whom Gendo used for sex.
> I don't think that he ever forced her, he just didn't show her any
> affection before, during or after.
> Rei OTOH would probably not even be overly concerned if Gendo began to
> molest her. After all, he was her idol and could do no wrong in her
> eyes. If it was the commander doing it, then there must have been a
> good reason for it...

This story makes it sound like Gendo was missing Yui, so he may have
wanted someone similar to Yui...

One thing I didn't get was why Fuyutsuki was there.  I would have
thought Fuyutsuki would have stopped this happening.

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