"Richard Liang" <rhliang@interchange.ubc.ca> wrote in message
> nickay420 wrote:
> >kf me then. you're not the one voice of this ng...
> >
> Well, I like to think I speak for myself, but at the very least,
> Disaster is the dominant voice of the group.
well, good for him.
> >i was just helping
> >someone out.
> >
> >
> >
> I admit, I fileshare.  Well, I do when I'm not too lazy to install one
> of those programs, which at the moment I am.  But (and this is something
> that I understand, but still surprised me) anime fans seem to be far
> more loyal than your everyday music fan.  And it's good to know, but
> still I have real issues with dropping $40 for four episodes of Eva.
>  One day, I will, but I wish anime weren't so expensive here... at
> least, the series are.
> Richard
right on..